World Congress on Particle Technology Student Poster Session | AIChE

WCPT8 Student Poster Handout

Poster sessions are an integral part of the World Congress on Particle Technology, allowing for collaboration through one-on-one discussion between the attendee and presenter. Don't miss this opportunity for in-depth and meaningful discussion.

Student Poster Competition

The World Congress on Particle Technology Student Poster Session will feature a Student Poster Competition, thanks to the Corteva Agriscience™, agriculture division of DowDuPont™.

The Prizes for the top 3 posters will be:

  • First place $750
  • Second place $500
  • Third place $250

Results will be announced at the Thursday plenary session.  Checks will be mailed by the AIChE to the presenter.


Posters prepared and presented by current students (i.e., PhD has not been defended) are eligible.  Posters presented on behalf of others are not eligible.  The name of the presenter should be underlined on the poster.  For posters that include the work of collaborators, the student must make it clear orally and on the poster itself which work was his or hers, and which work was done by others.

Judging Procedure

​​Judging will take place during the designated poster session only.  Posters will be evaluated by a committee drawn from WCPT8 industrial delegates and professors who do not have students involved.  There may be multiple judging rounds.  Students must be present at their poster during judging.  Each student will have 5 minutes to present their poster.

Judging Criteria

Judges can assign a total of up to 40 points to each poster.  The distribution of points will be as follows:

  • Visual appearance of poster.  5 points. 

    Can the poster be read from a reasonable distance?   Are color choices, font sizes, and layout clear and visually appealing?   Posters that are covered with text will lose points.

  • Practical justification for the research.  5 points. 

    What industrial (or society) problem is addressed by the research?   How does this work fit into the larger picture?   Who is funding the research?

  • Explanation of the technology area.   5 points.

    The poster should explain the technical area in sufficient detail so that a person with a general background in particle technology can follow the research being presented.

  • Quality of the work presented.   15 points, distributed as follows: 

    Is the research meaningful, and does it add significantly to the field.  5 points 

    Does it follow a logical plan?  What is the quantity of results?  5 points

    Is the work innovative?  Or is it a continuation of previous studies?  5 points 

  • Oral presentation skills.  10 points.

    Was the presentation easy to understand?  Did the speaker interact well with the judges?   Were questions understood and answered in a courteous and time-efficient way?  Did he/she finish on time?