Student Membership
For undergraduate students, thanks to our ScaleUp Sponsors, your membership is FREE! If you are a graduate student, AIChE membership is only $50 a year

Join more than 60,000 members in more than 110 countries!
For undergraduate students, thanks to our ScaleUp Sponsors, your membership is FREE!
- Eligibility for more than $50,000 worth of scholarships and awards given annually to chemical engineering students
- Free, unlimited access to the AIChE eLibrary, Knovel®
- Access to archived AIChE webinars
But wait, that’s not all! You also get
- Familiarity with interactive tools used by industry in the AIChE eLibrary powered by Knovel
- Up to the minute information on industrial practice with fully-searchable access to CEP Magazine online and through the app
- Members-only group rates on comprehensive insurance products (in US)
- Free membership in up to two divisions or forums, from environmental to nuclear engineering to sustainability
- Preferred member discounts at Office Depot®, Avis® and Hertz®, The UPS® Store, hotels and cruises, online shopping and more
- Job search and career management services to get your professional life underway and to keep it moving in the right direction
Graduate Students
Graduate Students
For graduate students attending U.S. and International schools, AIChE offers an annual membership rate of $50. Apply online, renew your graduate membership, OR download a printer-friendly PDF version of the membership application.
Giving Back
Donations small and large and make a difference, and remember all gifts to the AIChE Foundation are tax-deductible. Learn more about AIChE's Doing a World of Good campaign.