Environmental Division Graduate Student Paper Award | AIChE

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Environmental Division Graduate Student Paper Award

Recognizes an outstanding original research paper that contributes to environmental protection through the application of chemical engineering.


Plaques and $500, $300, and $200 for first, second and third place, respectively.

DeadlineJuly 1, 2025
AdministratorsEnvironmental Division (ENV)
PresentationThe award is presented at a designated function of the Environmental Division at the AIChE Annual Meeting, which the winner is expected to attend.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. The graduate student must be a member of AIChE at the time of submission.
  2. The work presented must be carried out while the graduate student is enrolled at a university with an accredited chemical engineering program.
  3. The graduate student must be the primary author (faculty advisors may be co-authors).
  4. The paper must describe original research (experimental, numerical, or theoretical) or design; papers consisting of literature reviews are not permitted.
  5. The paper must be suitable for publication in a refereed journal.
  6. The paper must represent a contribution to environmental protection through the application of chemical engineering.
  7. The paper may not be submitted for another AIChE award this year.  It is permitted to submit a paper from a previous year if it has not already received an award.

Nomination for the award should include:

  • A single nomination letter detailing the student’s strengths and accomplishments
  • A single paper contributing to environmental science and engineering fundamentals or applications

Papers will be judged on quality, technical content, writing and organization. Nominations may be submitted by any member of AIChE. Faculty, Departments and graduate student research mentors are encouraged to nominate candidates. Nominations must be submitted to Dr. Jason Trembly (trembly@ohio.edu), 1st Vice Chair, by July 1, 2025

Nomination Form

Award winners