ChEnected Guest

ChEnected Guest

AIChE would like to thank its multiple guest authors for the ChEnected blog. Browse posts below that cover a variety of topics.

ChEnected contributions

Slideshow: 6th Annual ICBN

. by ChEnected Guest

Nikala Gigliotti, an undergraduate in biomolecular engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, attended the 6th annual International Conference for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (ICBN) at the University of California at Berkeley and shares photo highlights.

A New View of Cancer

. by ChEnected Guest

For decades, researcher Mina Bissell pursued a revolutionary idea: a cancer cell doesn't automatically become a tumor, but rather, depends on surrounding cells for cues on how to develop. She shares the two key experiments that proved the prevailing wisdom about cancer growth was wrong.

Meet Your Microbes

. by ChEnected Guest

Our bodies are covered in a sea of microbes -- both the pathogens that make us sick and the "good" microbes, about which we know less, that might be keeping us healthy. At TEDMED, microbiologist Jonathan Eisen shares what we know, including some surprising ways to put those good microbes to work.

AIChE Minority Affairs Committee Scholarship Fund

. by ChEnected Guest

The Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) and the AIChE Foundation are working together to support the Minority Affairs Committee Scholarship Fund. This fund promotes activities that encourage the education and training of minorities in engineering and related disciplines through student scholarships and mentoring programs.

What Is the Size of an Atom?

. by ChEnected Guest

Just how small are atoms? And what's inside them? The answers turn out to be astounding, even for those who think they know.This fast-paced animation uses spectacular metaphors (imagine a blueberry the size of a football stadium!) to give a visceral sense of the building blocks that make our world.

Using Bacteria to Harvest the Ocean's Minerals

. by ChEnected Guest

The world needs clean water, and increasingly, we're pulling it from the oceans, desalinating it, and drinking it. But what to do with the salty brine left behind? One researcher says we should unleash metal-munching bacteria to help harvest the remaining minerals.

4th AIChE Regional Process Technology Conference

. by ChEnected Guest

The South Texas Section of the AIChE, in partnership with AIChE HQ, is hosting its 4th Regional Process Technology Conference at the South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, on the shores of Clear Lake in League City, Texas, October 4 & 5, 2012.

AIChE Seeking ChE Experts for eLearning Course

. by ChEnected Guest

UPDATE: Proposal Deadline Has Been Extended Until August 1, 2012. AIChE is soliciting proposals from qualified chemical engineering experts to develop an eLearning course for practicing chemical engineers who are preparing for the US Chemical PE Exam administered by the NCEES (National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying).

Dow Solutionists in School

. by ChEnected Guest

The Dow Solutionists in School program was created to spark innovation in students. Check out what Dow is doing to fuel interest in chemistry and the sciences.

Solar Cell Efficiency Record Broken with New "Tandem" Cell

. by ChEnected Guest

The inefficiencies of previous generation solar cells are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. In collaboration with the UCLA California NanoSystems Institute and Sumitomo Chemical of Japan, researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have created a “tandem” solar cell that increases efficiency to a certified 10.6% by capturing energy in multiple spectra.
