2015 Annual Meeting Exhibitor List & Exhibit Hours
Exhibit Hours*
Exhibit Hours*
Salt Palace Convention Center, Upper & Lower Concourse
Set-Up (*All Exhibitors must be set up by 9:00 AM) | |
Sunday, November 8th | 12:00- 5:00 PM |
Monday, November 9th | 7:30 - 9:00 AM |
Expo Hours | |
Monday, November 9th | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Tuesday, November 10th | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday, November 11th | 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
Dismantle (*All exhibitors must be finished by 3:00 PM) | |
Wednesday, November 11th | 1:00 - 3:00 PM |
*NOTE: Higher attendee traffic times occur during conference breaks, before sessions begin in the morning, breaks from late morning to early afternoon and when sessions conclude at the end of the day. Exhibitors are not required to remain at their table(s) at all times during the day.
Exhibitor List
Meeting exhibitors are listed in alphabethical order as of November 3, 2015.
- AFGlobal Corporation
- Agilent Technologies, Inc.
- AIP Publishing
- AON Affinity
- Ascend Performance Materials
- B&P Process Equipment/B&P Littleford Day, LLC.
- Biolin Scientific
- CACHE Corporation
- Cambridge University Press
- CD-adapco
- CDS Analytical
- Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research - Ohio University
- Chemstations, Inc.
- COSMOlogic
- Covaris
- CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group
- Equilibar, LLC.
- Evonik
- Freeman Technology Inc.
- Frontier Lab
- Genentech
- Hays Affinity
- Hiden Isochema
- Imperial College London
- Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment - Ohio University
- JSOL Corporation
- Linseis Inc.
- McGraw-Hill Education
- OriginLab Corp
- Parr Instrument Company
- Particle Sizing Systems
- PIP - Process Industry Practices
- Process Systems Enterprise
- ProSim, Inc.
- Resodyn Acoustic Mixers
- Rubotherm NA LLC
- Saudi Aramco
- Sigma-Aldrich
- Solid Form Solutions, Inc.
- Solvay
- SynTQ by Optimal
- Teledyne ISCO
- Tridiagonal Solutions, Inc.
- Wiley