Hotel Information | AIChE

Hotel Information

AIChE has negotiated a special rate for the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting & Global Congress attendees in New Orleans. Use direct booking link and follow booking instructions where noted to get AIChE rates. Hilton New Orleans RiversideRate is $199 for single or double guestroom.Book at AIChE...

AIChE has negotiated a special rate for the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting & Global Congress attendees in New Orleans. Use direct booking link and follow booking instructions where noted to get AIChE rates.


Hilton New Orleans Riverside

Rate is $199 for single or double guestroom.

Book at AIChE Rate

Map & Directions

image: via Hilton

Hyatt Regency New Orleans

Please note: the last day to make reservations at AIChE rate is through Tuesday, March 11th.

Book at AIChE Rate

Map & Directions

image: via Hyatt