Flow of Solids in Bins, Hoppers, Chutes and Feeders | AIChE

Flow of Solids in Bins, Hoppers, Chutes and Feeders


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This online course provides delegates with a fundamental grounding in the key areas of bulk solids handling equipment selection, design, and troubleshooting. Strategies for alleviating costly flow problems in silos, bins, hoppers, feeders, and transfer chutes are presented, as well as proven techniques to design solids handling equipment so that it operates efficiently, safely, and reliably right from the start.

With the first unit of the course, a review of bulk material flow fundamentals is presented, including common flow problems, types of flow patterns in equipment, and how flow properties of bulk solids are measured. Feeder design and troubleshooting techniques are discussed, along with insight into unique flow problems that occur when handling fine powders.

With the second unit of the course, the participant will learn how to interpret a flow properties test report and utilize the results in a step-by-step silo design example. Common mechanisms of segregation and solutions to these costly problems will be reviewing, along with proven techniques for designing transfer chutes to prevent plugging, abrasive wear, dust generation, and spillage.

The lectures are supplemented with practical examples and actual industrial case histories to illustrate the complex concepts taught.

Learning Outcomes:

  • List the fundamentals of handling bulk solids and fine powder
  • Describe flow patterns and properties in bins and hoppers
  • Compare common segregation mechanisms for powders and solids
  • Design transfer chutes to prevent plugging, wear, and dusting
  • Evaluate a flow properties test report

Who Should Attend:

Those involved with designing, selecting, troubleshooting, maintaining, or purchasing bulk solids handling equipment. Course candidates include, but are not limited to:
  • Plant and project managers
  • Operation or process managers Project and maintenance engineers
  • Unit operators and superintendents
  • Personnel new to the field of bulk solids handling

Unit One

  • Lecture One: Bulk solids handling fundamentals
  • Lecture Two: Flow patterns in bins and hoppers
  • Lecture Three: Flow properties testing
  • Lecture Four: Bulk solids feeders
  • Lecture Five: Fine powder flow phenomena

Unit Two

  • Lecture One: Interpreting a flow properties report
  • Lecture Two: Silo/bin design example
  • Lecture Three: Particle segregation mechanisms
  • Lecture Four: Solutions to segregation
  • Lecture Five: Design of transfer chutes

Final Exam: 50 Questions


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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    10 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York