Water Reuse Challenges and Hydraulic Fracturing | AIChE

Water Reuse Challenges and Hydraulic Fracturing

GE Water & Process Technologies offers a broad product and solutions portfolio that addresses water challenges associated with hydraulic fracturing.  This webinar discusses:

  • Key technical and community challenges of hydraulic fracturing
  • The drilling and production water life cycle
  • GE’s fixed and mobile solutions
  • Customer economics and value drivers

The webinar is presented by Joseph Tinto, Commercial Developer, and Andrew Collier, Marketing & Business Development, GE Water & Process Technologies.

ISWS members may attend for free with a Promo Code.  To receive a Promo Code, please contact Evan Flach at evanf@aiche.org.

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The International Society for Water Solutions (ISWS) provides a forum for communication and networking among engineers and scientists who share interests in water research and water technology development. Membership in ISWS is open to academic, industrial, and government professionals who share an interest in water research and water technology development. For more information and to become a member go to http://www.aiche.org/ifs/community/isws/membership

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  • Source:
    ISWS - International Society for Water Solutions
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  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    1 hour
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