ICBE Conference Schedule | AIChE

ICBE Conference Schedule

Sunday, January 13, 20135:30 PM5:45 PMIntroductory Remarks: Ali Khademhosseini (Harvard University) and Kristala Prather (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)5:45 PM6:45 PMKeynote Presentation: George Church6:45 PM7:15 PMRapid Fire Poster Session7:15 PM8:00 PMWelcome Reception and Poster...
Sunday, January 13, 2013
5:30 PM5:45 PMIntroductory Remarks: Ali Khademhosseini (Harvard University) and Kristala Prather (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5:45 PM6:45 PMKeynote Presentation: George Church
6:45 PM7:15 PMRapid Fire Poster Session
7:15 PM8:00 PMWelcome Reception and Poster Session
Session Chairs: Lydia Contreras (University of Texas, Austin), Ahmad (Mo) Khalil (Boston University), and Julius Lucks (Cornell University)
Monday, January 14, 2013
8:00 AM9:00 AMBreakfast
9:00 AM10:35 AMSession 1: Synthetic Biology 
Session Chairs:  Cynthia Collins (RPI) and John Dueber (Berkeley University)
9:00 AM9:35 AMInvited Speaker: Programming Bacteria-Chris Voigt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9:35 AM9:55 AMThe Design, Engineering, and Optimization of a Microbial Process for Manufacturing of 1,4-Butanediol- Stephanie Culler (Genomatica)
9:55 AM10:15 AMA Family of Orthogonal Chimeric Antisense RNA Transcription Regulators- Julius Lucks (Cornell)
10:15 AM10:35 AMComputation in Living Cells: Digital and Analog Paradigms- Timothy Lu (MIT)
10:35 AM11:00 AMBreak
11:00 AM12:00 PMKeynote Presentation: Nicholas A. Peppas- Protein Transport Mechanisms and Protein/Polymer Dynamics in Transmucosal Delivery
12:00 PM1:20 PMLunch
1:20 PM2:55 PMSession 2: Biophysical and Microscale Analyses of Molecular and Cellular Function
 Session Chairs: Neda Bagheri (Northwestern University) and Ian C. Schneider (Iowa State University)
1:20 PM1:55 PMInvited Speaker: Sculpting airways and ducts – the physical forces of tissue morphogenesis- Celeste Nelson (Princeton University)
1:55 PM2:15 PMParsing Humoral Immunity: Array Technology to Profile Natural Modulation of Antibody Function- Margaret Ackerman (Dartmouth)
2:15 PM2:35 PMImaging Mechanical Force Transmission At the Single Molecule Level in Living Cells- Alexander Dunn (Stanford)
2:35 PM2:55 PMBiophysical Mechanism by Which Palmitic Acid Induces IRE1 Signaling and ER Stress- Cristina Chan (Michigan State University)
2:55 PM3:15 PMBreak
3:15 PM5:40 PMSession 3: Experimental & Computational Tools for Engineering Biomolecules
Session Chairs: Eric Althoff (Arzeda Corp) and Jennifer Cochran (Stanford University)
3:15 PM3:50 PMInvited Speaker: Model-Based Design and Optimization of Functionalized Nanocarriers for Vascular Targeted Drug Delivery- Ravi Radhakrishnan (University of Pennsylvania)
3:50 PM4:10 PMEngineering Synthetic DNA-Binding Proteins for Targeted Gene Regulation and Genome Editing- Charles Gersbach (Duke)
4:10 PM4:45 PMInvited Speaker: The Genetic Landscape of a Cell- Charlie Boone (University of Toronto)
4:45 PM5:05 PMInteins and tools and targets- Marlene Belfort (University at Albany)
5:05 PM5:40 PMInvited Speaker: Biomolecular Engineering Toward Novel, Potent, and Broadly Protective VLP-Based Influenza Vaccines- Jim Swartz (Stanford)
5:40 PM6:20 PMRapid Fire Poster Session
6:20 PM7:20 PMNetworking Reception and Poster Session
Session Chairs: Lydia Contreras (University of Texas, Austin), Ahmad (Mo) Khalil (Boston University), and Julius Lucks (Cornell University)
 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 
8:00 AM8:30 AMBreakfast
8:30 AM10:25 AMSession 4: Protein Engineering
Session Chairs: Joel L. Kaar (Colorado University) and Hadley D. Sikes (MIT)
8:30 AM9:05 AMInvited Speaker: Bottom-up bacterial glycoengineering: from enzymes and pathways to human therapies and vaccines- Matt DeLisa (Cornell University)
9:05 AM9:25 AMFingerprint-Guided Engineering of Selective P450 Catalysts for C—H Functionalization in Complex Molecules- Rudi Fasan (University of Rochester)
9:25 AM9:45 AMAntibodies by Design- Peter Tessier (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
9:45 AM10:05 AMA Protein Therapeutic Modality Founded On Molecular Regulation- Marc Ostermeier (Johns Hopkins)
10:05 AM10:25 AMAltering the Apoptotic Network in Cancer: A Promising Therapeutic Approach- Kurt Deshayes (Genentech)
10:25 AM11:00 AMBreak
11:00 AM12:00 PMKeynote Presentation: Virginia Cornish- Expanding the Synthetic Capabilities of Yeast
12:00 PM1:00 PMLunch
1:00 PM3:30 PMSession 5: Metabolic Pathway Engineering
Session Chairs: Stephanie Culler, PhD (Genomatica, Inc) and David Nielsen (Arizona State University)
1:00 PM1:35 PMInvited Speaker: Yeast as a Platform Cell Factory in Future Biorefineries- Jens Nielsen (Chalmers University of Technology)
1:35 PM1:55 PMIntegrating Systems and Synthetic Biology for Engineering Chemical Production in Bacteria- Brian Pfleger (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
1:55 PM2:15 PMPlatform for Interspecies Communication in Synthetic Microbial Consortia- Cynthia Collins (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
2:15 PM2:35 PMToward Heterologous Carbon Fixation in E. Coli with the Chloroflexus 3-Hydroxypropionate Pathway- Matthew Mattozzi (Harvard Wyss Institute)
2:35 PM2:55 PMEngineering Anaerobic Gut Fungi for Lignocellulose Breakdown- Michelle O'Malley (University of California, Santa Barbara)
2:55 PM3:30 PMInvited Speaker: Pathway Engineering in Yeast via Directed Evolution- Hal Alper (University of Texas)
3:30 PM4:00 PMBreak
4:00 PM5:50 PMSession 6: Biomolecular Engineering for Cell and Tissue Engineering
Session Chairs: Debra Auguste (City College) and Cliff Wang (Stanford University)
4:00 PM4:35 PMInvited Speaker: Molecular Elucidation and Engineering of the Stem Cell Fate Decisions- David Schaffer (University of California, Berkeley)
4:35 PM4:55 PMGetting Life From the Black Death; Re-Engineering a Yersinia Pestis Virulence Factor Into a Cell Culture Hydrogel- Jeremy Lakey (Newcastle University)
4:55 PM5:15 PMImbalanced Oncogenic Signaling Initiated by Constitutively Active Mutants of EGFR- Matthew Lazzara (UPenn)
5:15 PM5:50 PMInvited Speaker: Denis Wirtz (Johns Hopkins University)
5:50 PM6:30 PMRapid Fire Poster Session
Session Chairs: Lydia Contreras (University of Texas, Austin), Ahmad (Mo) Khalil (Boston University), and Julius Lucks (Cornell University)
6:30 PM7:00 PMNetworking Reception
7:00 PM8:00 PMDinner
8:00 PM8:30 PMDessert and Poster Session
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
8:30 AM9:00 AMBreakfast
9:00 AM10:35 AMSession 7: Interface of Bionanotechnology and Biomolecules
Session Chairs: Pankaj Karande (RPI) and Jessica Winter (Ohio University)
9:00 AM9:35 AMInvited Speaker: Nanoparticles for Intracellular Protein Delivery- Yi Tang (University of California, Los Angeles)
9:35 AM9:55 AMSieving and Transport Though the Nuclear Pore Complex: Mechanistic IDEAS and an Artificial NANO-Selective Filter- Georges Belfort (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
9:55 AM10:15 AMNanoparticles As Autophagy Activators- Laura Segatori (Rice)
10:15 AM10:35 AMMicroelectrode Array-Based Neurotoxin Biosensor with Chick Embryo CNS Neurons- Bruce Gao (Clemson)
10:35 AM11:35 AMKeynote Presentation: James Collins- Reprogramming Life: The Emergence of Synthetic Biology
11:35 AM12:00 PMAwards Presentation and Closing Remarks