ICBE Technical Program
Sunday, January 8th
Sunday, January 8th
1:00 PM | 6:00 PM | Registration |
3:00 PM | 3:10 PM | Introductory remarks |
3:10 PM | 4:10 PM | Keynote Speaker: Progress Toward an HIV Vaccine - Dennis Burton |
4:10 PM | 6:00 PM | Session 1: Biophysical and Microscale Analyses of Molecular and Cellular Function |
4:10 PM | 4:35 PM | Invited Speaker: Weighing Single Cells – Biological Insights and Clinical Opportunities - Scott Manalis |
4:35 PM | 4:50 PM | Molecular-Level Characterization of the Anti-Influenza Serological Antibody Repertoire: Implications for Vaccine Development - Jiwon Lee |
4:50 PM | 5:05 PM | Computational Design, Simulations and Energy Calculations in the Study of β-Wrapin Proteins in Complex with Amyloidogenic Proteins - Phanourios Tamamis |
5:05 PM | 5:20 PM | Direct Observation of TALE Protein Dynamics on DNA - Charles Schroeder |
5:20 PM | 5:35 PM | Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy One Cell at a Time - Navin Varadarajan |
5:35 PM | 6:00 PM | Invited Speaker: Biomolecular Engineering for Noninvasive Imaging and Control of Cellular Function - Mikhail G. Shapiro |
6:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Welcome Reception |
Monday, January 9th
7:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Registration |
7:45 AM | 8:15 AM | Breakfast |
8:15 AM | 10:10 AM | Session 2: Biomolecular Engineering Applications: Therapeutics, Diagnostics and Imaging Agents |
8:15 AM | 8:40 AM | Invited Speaker: Supramolecular Materials for Immunotherapy - Joel H. Collier |
8:40 AM | 8:55 AM | Developing a Modular Virus-like Particle Vaccine Platform for Viral Diseases - Julie Fogarty |
8:55 AM | 9:10 AM | Translatable Affibody Ligand Discovery: Engineered Biopanning, Deep Sequence-Guided Library Design, and Pharmacokinetic Modulation - Benjamin J. Hackel |
9:10 AM | 9:25 AM | Bioorthogonal Chemistry for Stabilized Alpha Helix Cell Surface Display: Protein Engineering and Linker Chemistry to Improve Intracellular Delivery and Whole Animal Pharmacokinetics - Greg Thurber |
9:25 AM | 9:40 AM | Engineering Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Translocation into Candida Fungal Pathogens - Amy J. Karlsson |
9:40 AM | 9:55 AM | Treating MRSA Superbugs with Deimmunized Enzymes Engineered to Evade Immune Surveillance - Karl E. Griswold |
9:55 AM | 10:10 AM | Inhibition of Cancer Immune Suppression with a First-in-Class Engineered Therapeutic Enzyme - John Blazeck |
10:10 AM | 10:40 AM | Break |
10:40 AM | 11:10 AM | Session 3: Metabolic Engineering for Fuels, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals |
10:40 AM | 11:05 AM | Invited Speaker: Enzyme Design and Screening to Facilitate Pathway Engineering - Kristala L.J.Prather |
11:05 AM | 11:20 AM | Leveraging New Genome Editing Tools to Engineer Non-Traditional Yeasts for Chemical Biosynthesis - Ian Wheeldon |
11:20 AM | 11:35 AM | A Generalizable Crispr-Cas9 System for Rapid and Scalable Gene Target Discovery and Optimization - Matthew H Deaner |
11:35 AM | 11:50 AM | Engineering Robust Xylose Utilization in Yarrowia Lipolytica Using Cryptic Metabolic Pathways - Mark A. Blenner |
11:50 AM | 12:05 PM | Developing Green Cell Factories: The Journey to Cyanobacterial Fuels and Chemicals - Christie A.M. Peebles |
12:05 PM | 12:20 PM | Systems and Synthetic Biology of Rhodococcus Opacus to Enable Conversion of Lignin-Derived Aromatic Compounds into Lipids - Tae Seok Moon |
12:20 PM | 2:00 PM | Lunch |
2:00 PM | 4:35 PM | Session 4: Novel Synthetic Biology Tools and Applications |
2:00 PM | 2:25 PM | Invited Speaker: Engineering Biological Computers for Human Health Applications - Timothy K. Lu |
2:25 PM | 2:40 PM | Genome-Level Sequence to Function Mapping – a Systematic Approach for Discovery - Gur Pines |
2:40 PM | 2:55 PM | Engineered Crispr-Cas9 Systems As Programmable Regulators for Gene Expression Using Cellular Information - Wilfred Chen |
2:55 PM | 3:10 PM | Divide and Conquer: How Compartmentalization Leads to Enhanced Flux for Metabolic Pathways - Danielle Tullman-Ercek |
3:10 PM | 3:25 PM | Rapid Prototyping of Expanded 6-Letter Genetic Codes - Javin P. Oza |
3:25 PM | 3:40 PM | Noninvasive Imaging of Gene Expression Using Diffusion Altering Reporters - Arnab Mukherjee |
3:40 PM | 3:55 PM | Microbial Biosynthesis of Terminal Alkynes and Applications - Xuejun Zhu |
3:55 PM | 4:10 PM | Devices for Monitoring, Selectiion and Actuation on Cellular Processes - Michael K. Jensen |
4:10 PM | 4:35 PM | Invited Speaker: Synthetic Regulation of Metabolic Pathways and Microbial Subpopulations - Fuzhong Zhang |
4:35 PM | 5:00 PM | Break |
5:00 PM | 6:35 PM | Session 5: Biosensors, Bionanotechnology, and Bioelectronics |
5:00 PM | 5:25 PM | Invited Speaker: Lighting up Small Molecules with RNA-Based Fluorescent Biosensors - Ming Hammond |
5:25 PM | 5:50 PM | Invited speaker: Computational Design of Peptides That Bind to Specific Biomolecule Targets - Carol Hall |
5:50 PM | 6:05 PM | Yeast-Based Biosensors As a Low-Cost Healthcare Diagnostic - Keith E.J. Tyo |
6:05 PM | 6:20 PM | Real-Time Measurement of Therapeutic Drugs in Living Subjects: Making Personalized Drug Therapy a Reality - Netz Arroyo-Curras |
6:20 PM | 6:35 PM | Designing Highly Specific Protein-Based Small Molecule Biosensors - Srivatsan Raman |
6:35 PM | 6:50 PM | GPCR-Based Sensors to Accelerate the Engineering of Chemical-Producing Microbes - Pamela Peralta-Yahya |
7:00 PM | 9:00 PM | Dinner and Keynote: Tiny Technologies and Medicine: From Hepatic Tissue Engineering to Cancer Nanotechnology - Sangeeta Bhatia |
Tuesday, January 10th
7:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Registration |
7:45 AM | 8:15 AM | Breakfast |
8:15 AM | 10:10 AM | Session 6: Metabolic Engineering for Fuels, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals |
8:30 AM | 8:55 AM | Invited Speaker: Static and Dynamic Transcription Engineering of Metabolic Fluxes in E.coli For the Production of High Value Chemicals - Mattheos A. G. Koffas |
8:55 AM | 9:10 AM | Engineering Cyanobacteria for Use As Photosynthetic Chemical Factories - Brian F. Pfleger |
9:10 AM | 9:25 AM | Eliminating Lactic Acid, an "Essential" Contaminant Limiting Biopharmaceutical Production - Nathan Lewis |
9:25 AM | 9:40 AM | Orthogonal Design of Metabolic Pathways - A. Vikram Pandit |
9:40 AM | 9:55 AM | Meta-Analysis of -Omics Level Data for Efficient Production of N-Linked Glycoproteins in a Bacterial Host - Stephen R. P. Jaffé |
9:55 AM | 10:10 AM | A Metabolic Engineering Approach to Realize Nitric Oxide-Potentiating Anti-Infectives - Mark P. Brynildsen |
10:10 AM | 10:40 AM | Break |
10:40 AM | 12:20 PM | Session 7: Biomolecular Engineering Applications: Therapeutics, Diagnostics and Imaging Agents |
10:40 AM | 11:05 AM | Invited Speakers: Development of an Anti-Pertussis Immunotherapeutic Antibody - Jennifer A Maynard |
11:05 AM | 11:20 AM | Episcope: Computationally-Driven Identification of Antibody Epitopes - Casey Hua |
11:20 AM | 11:35 AM | DIY Detection of a Wide Range of Biological Analytes with a Re-Engineered Glucose Sensor - Jeroen De Buck |
11:35 AM | 11:50 AM | Reshaping the Immune Response with Engineered Interleukin-2 Antibodies - Jamie B. Spangler |
11:50 AM | 12:05 PM | Using Conformationally Dynamic Beta Roll Peptides to Control Engineered Protein Functions - Scott Banta |
12:05 PM | 12:20 PM | Analyzing, Predicting, and Engineering Antibody Responses - Sai Reddy |
12:20 PM | 2:00 PM | Lunch |
2:00 PM | 3:45 PM | Session 8: Cellular and Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials |
2:00 PM | 2:25 PM | Invited Speaker: Developing Hydrogels to Control Microvasculature Assembly - Sharon Gerecht |
2:25 PM | 2:40 PM | The Role of Cancer Cell Force Transmission on Sensing Structural and Mechanical Features of Contact Guidance Cues - Ian Schneider |
2:40 PM | 3:05 PM | Invited Speaker: An Engineering Approach to Investigate Niche Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Fate - Brendan Harley |
3:05 PM | 3:20 PM | Turning Lemons into Lemonade: Engineering T Cells that Resist and Convert Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironments - Yvonne Chen |
3:20 PM | 3:45 PM | Invited Speaker: Dynamically Stiffening Matrices Promote Malignant Transformation Via Collective Mechanical Signaling - Adam Engler |
3:45 PM | 4:15 PM | Break |
4:15 PM | 5:00 PM | Keynote: A Genetic Toolkit for the Synthesis and Assembly of Materials and Devices for Energy, the Environment and Medicine - Angela Belcher |
5:00 PM | 8:00 PM | Rapid Fire Presentation and Poster Session |
Wednesday, January 11th
7:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Registration |
7:30 AM | 8:00 AM | Breakfast |
8:15 AM | 10:50 AM | Session 9: Experimental and Computational Tools for Designing and Engineering Biomolecules and Biosystems |
8:15 AM | 8:40 AM | Invited Speaker: Engineering Polymerases By Directed Evolution - Andrew Ellington |
8:40 AM | 8:55 AM | Integrated Chemical and Genetic Approach for Programmable Crispr-Cas Delivery - Prashant Mali |
8:55 AM | 9:10 AM | High throughput tools for rationally engineering regulatory RNAs - Lydia M. Contreras |
9:10 AM | 9:25 AM | Multiplexing with the Class 2 Crispr Effector Protein Cpf1 - Chase L. Beisel |
9:25 AM | 9:40 AM | Modeling and Analysis of a Cell-Free Glycoprotein Production in Escherichia coli - Jeffery D. Varner |
9:40 AM | 9:55 AM | Using a Genome-Scale Model and Genomic Library to Discover the Functions of Metabolic Genes - Jennifer L. Reed |
9:55 AM | 10:25 AM | Break |
10:25 AM | 10:40 AM | Improving Synthetic Metabolic Pathway Yields and Productivities Using a Hybrid Computational/Experimental Approach to Increase Enzyme Solubility - Tim Whitehead |
10:40 AM | 10:55 AM | High-Throughput Screening of Membrane Transport Proteins in Synthetic Lipid Vesicles - Philip A. Romero |
10:55 AM | 11:20 AM | Invited Speaker: Bottom-up Construction of Microbial Consortia Inspired By Nature - Michelle O'Malley |
11:20 AM | 12:05 PM | Keynote Speaker: Revealing Proteometrics Through Advanced Laboratory Evolution - Bernhard Palsson |
12:05 PM | 12:20 PM | Closing Remarks and Awards |