A 3-D Numerical Model to Predict Low Temperature Aluminum Electrochemical Process Using Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes at Different Boundary Conditions | AIChE

A 3-D Numerical Model to Predict Low Temperature Aluminum Electrochemical Process Using Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes at Different Boundary Conditions

TitleA 3-D Numerical Model to Predict Low Temperature Aluminum Electrochemical Process Using Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes at Different Boundary Conditions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsDong, A, Nastac, L, Reddy, R
Conference NameTMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings
Date Publishedfeb

Aluminum separation process using low temperature ionic liquids electrolytes is an energy-efficient and environmental benign metal extraction technology. A 3-D numerical model was developed to predict this electrochemical process. The average current density of anode and cathode was set as the evaluation standard. The influence of batch reactor geometries, number and distance between electrodes, reactor domain and inlet temperature, inlet flow velocity to the current density was studied. Three kinds of ionic liquids [EMIM]Cl–AlCl3, [HIMIM]Cl–AlCl3, and [BMIM]Cl–AlCl3 electrolytes were compared. Uncertainty analysis of electrolyte parameters like electrical conductivity , thermal conductivity , density, specific heat, and viscosity was also conducted. The results give some reference value for different boundary conditions and indicate that to get a larger current density; the inlet temperature should be as high as the domain. It also shows the electrical conductivity plays a decisive role in determining the current density. Those simulation results were also verified by the experiment.
