Center for Hydrogen Safety Launch Event - Technical Program | AIChE

Center for Hydrogen Safety Launch Event - Technical Program

*Please note this schedule is subject to change. Check back frequently for updates. Last updated: 3.25.19

Launch of the Center for Hydrogen Safety

1:30 PM to 1:40 PM Welcoming Remarks - June Wispelwey, Executive Director & CEO, AIChE
An Overview of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Industry at Large
1:40 PM to 2:10 PM An Overview of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Industry at Large – Sunita Satyapal, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office
2:10 PM to 2:15 PM Transition/Buffer
The National Laboratory role in the implementation of hydrogen safety
2:15 PM to 2:35 PM The National Laboratory role in the implementation of hydrogen safety – Mike Rinker, Manager, Energy and Environment Sector, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2:35 PM to 3:45 PM Break
Panel Discussion: Challenges faced in hydrogen safety
3:45 PM to 3:50 PM Introductions – Session Chair: Nick Barilo, Director of CHS & HSP Program Manager
3:50 PM to 4:00 PM US Perspective – Aaron Harris, Technical Director for Hydrogen Energy, Air Liquide
4:00 PM to 4:10 PM Australia Perspective – Nick Smith, Director, Energy Programs & Services for South Australia
4:10 PM to 4:20 PM Europe Perspective – Stuart Hawksworth, Head, Centre for Energy and Major Hazards HSE & President, International Association for Hydrogen Safety
4:20 PM to 4:30 PM Asia-Pacific Perspective – Ryuji Kikuchi, Associate Professor, the University of Tokyo, and member, the Society for Chemical Engineers, Japan
4:30 PM to 4:45 PM Q&A - Moderator: Nick Barilo, Director of CHS & HSP Program Manager
4:45 PM to 4:50 PM Transition/Buffer
Presenting the safety solution
4:50 PM to 5:20 PM The Need for a Center for Hydrogen Safety, key activities and opportunities to engage – Nick Barilo, Director of CHS & HSP Program Manager
5:20 PM to 5:45 PM Open Discussuion and Networking – Nick Barilo, Director of CHS & HSP Program Manager