The University of Colorado is excited to host the 2015 AIChE Rocky Mountain Student Regional Conference on April 17-19. Events will include the annual Regional Chem-E-Car Competition, a Regional Student Paper Competition, Chem-E Jeopardy, and other fun social activities. We hope to see you in April!
Conference will include professional workshops and presentations, the annual Regional Chem-E-Car Competition®, Student Paper Competition, Chem-E -Jeopardy Competition, and a trip to Washington D.C! EDP Deadline: Friday, March 13, 2015
Conference highlights include the regional Chem-E-Car Competition®, Chem-E-Jeopardy Competition, Student Paper Competition, Student Poster competition and much more.
This highly focused, international conference will address the latest technologies and innovative practices needed for exploration and production in the Arctic.