This symposium will address foundational topics related to process development leading to successful commercialization, as well as increase awareness of AIChE’s Northern California (NorCal) local section to a broader local chemical engineering community.
The AIChE Particle Technology Forum (PTF) is proud to announce a conference focused on particle interactions as applied towards commercialization. This conference will bring together leading practitioners and researchers in the field.
Formed in 1976, the Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS) is a consortium of 29 companies to develop methods for the design of emergency relief systems to handle runaway reactions. DIERS became a users group in 1985. Presently, over 300 companies have formed the DIERS Users Group to...
The Pacific Northwest Regional Conference will be held on April 25-27 at Washington State University, and will feature the annual Regional Chem-E-Car competition, Research Paper competition and Chem-E Jeopardy competition.
IfS will be participating at the 10th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo (NSDE) this year and you should too! The expo will be held April 25-27, 2014, at the Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C. and is open to the public. Come join hundreds of students, scientists, non-profit...
The Western Regional Conference will be held on April 18-19 at the University of California, Davis, and will feature the annual Regional Chem-E-Car competition, Research Paper competition and Chem-E Jeopardy competition.
The North Central Regional Conference will be held on April 11-12 at the Michigan State University, and will feature the annual Regional Chem-E-Car competition, Research Paper competition and Chem-E Jeopardy competition.
The Mid America Regional Conference will be held on April 11-12 at the University of Iowa, and will feature the annual Regional Chem-E-Car competition, Research Paper competition and Chem-E Jeopardy competition.