2021 Election | AIChE

2021 Election for the 2022 Board of Directors

Board of Directors voting dates and deadlines:

In April, AIChE’s Nominating Committee announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, secretary, and directors for the Institute’s 2021 election. 

The president-elect will be elected to a three-year term, serving one year each as president-elect, president, and past president. The secretary and the directors are elected for three-year terms.

Voting by paper and electronic proxy ballot will begin on September 7 and end on October 12. The election results will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting.

2021 Election Timeline

  • May 17 – Petition Candidate Due
  • August 23 – Ballot Mail Date
  • September 7 – Election Commences
  • October 12 – Ballot Receipt Deadline
  • Results Officially Announced at Annual Business Meeting

2021 Election Slate for the 2022 Board


For President-Elect

Billy B. Bardin

Billy B. Bardin, PE, is the Global Digitalization Director for Dow. He joined Union Carbide/Dow in 2000 and has held global leadership roles in research, development, and manufacturing. He developed and commercialized technologies including catalytic processes for feedstocks/derivatives, processes for olefins production, and digital manufacturing. Bardin created new approaches for promoting technical excellence and fostering career development.

Bardin served on AIChE’s Board of Directors (2017–2019) and chaired the Audit Committee. He also served on the Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC) and the managing board of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). He is a Trustee of the AIChE Foundation, a leader of the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Div., and a member of the South Texas and Eastern North Carolina sections. He is a leader in the Licensing and Professional Development Committee and the Disabilities Outreach and Inclusion Community. Bardin was the founding Chair of AIChE’s RAPID Manufacturing Institute. He is a Fellow and Life Member of AIChE.

Bardin holds a BS ChE from North Carolina State Univ. (NCSU) and MS/PhD ChE from the Univ. of Virginia (UVA). He is a Professional Engineer in West Virginia. Bardin is a leader on academic and industrial boards at Purdue Univ., NCSU, UVA, the MxD manufacturing institute and the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing & Processing. He has been recognized numerous times, most recently as a Visionary Leader by the National Association of Manufacturers.


There is no better time to be a chemical engineer. The opportunities to impact societal challenges are great. Technologies are evolving at an increasing pace, disrupting the ways we live, work, and learn. Expectations for equitable resource dissemination, sustainability, and inclusion of all communities continue to elevate. As the global leader of chemical engineering, AIChE is a significant contributor to solving our challenges.

As your President, I will drive the following priorities:

  • Enhance the alignment of AIChE, industry, academia, national laboratories and other stakeholders to deliver innovative solutions today and to develop tomorrow’s leaders.
  • Grow capabilities for AIChE to deliver on-demand knowledge, allowing users to add skills and institutionalizing the virtual approaches developed during the pandemic so that global communities continue to connect.
  • Expand AIChE’s educational offerings with the Institute for Learning and Innovation, including a focus for operators and technicians, in addition to engineers and students, improving equity and inclusion.
  • Position AIChE for investments in national infrastructure, growing our global influence in safety, sustainability, advanced manufacturing and intensification through RAPID, CCPS and other technical entities.

I am humbled to be nominated to be your President. I am grateful for your vote and look forward to hearing your ideas on making AIChE stronger and more impactful. Contact: bardinbb@dow.com.

John Cirucci

John Cirucci is the Chief Engineer of the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions and a Research Professor in the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State Univ. Prior to joining Arizona State, he had a long industry career in various engineering and R&D leadership roles at Air Products and in private practice. He holds a BS and MS in chemical engineering from Penn State and Lehigh Univ., respectively, but has learned the most from working with many remarkable people.

John has served AIChE in numerous roles. He is a Trustee of the AIChE Foundation, and served as a Board Director (2012–2014) and as a member of the Fellows Council. He has chaired AIChE entities including the Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC), the Foundation Grants Committee, the Center for Sustainable Technology Practices, and the Global Societal Initiatives Committee. He has also dedicated many years to humanitarian engineering projects in Africa and Central America as a leader in Engineers Without Borders.


AIChE must lead the profession into a future world where chemical engineers address the greatest challenges facing a diverse population in need of new energy solutions, clean air, clean water, sustainable food resources, and advanced medical technologies. All the while, AIChE must also continue to serve chemical engineers working in traditional roles — safely and economically producing essential products that sustain and improve our quality of life.

Throughout my professional life, I have acted as a change agent. I served on the Board of Directors when AIChE branded ourselves as the “Global Home of Chemical Engineers.”

If elected, my priorities will be to:

  • Distill and roll out AIChE’s next five-year strategic plan. The five-year mark for our current plan is upcoming. Its elements are still quite relevant but, we must continue to make timely course corrections in a rapidly changing world.
  • Promote and broaden AIChE’s impact to provide technological resources and sound scientific information to members, policymakers, and the public. It is an AIChE constitutional objective to serve society in areas where chemical engineering can contribute to the public interest. This objective has never been more important.
  • Engage and support our entire community. This includes a diversity of chemical engineers in new, evolving disciplines and a growing geographical reach. However, I will be mindful to listen to the silent majority of chemical engineers — members and prospective members — that work in established, traditional roles, especially those impacted by change.

I welcome your ideas and would like to understand your concerns. Please feel free to contact me at: John.Cirucci+PresElect@gmail.com.

For Secretary

Dan Lambert

Dan Lambert is a Fellow Engineer at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) near Aiken, SC, where he specializes in process development for stabilizing radioactive waste generated from nuclear weapons production. He received his BS in chemical engineering from Ohio State Univ. and began his career with the U.S. Air Force’s Space Division. He has spent 34 years at SRNL, where he leads research for the only active nuclear waste vitrification facility in the United States. Dan is a 39-year member of AIChE; an AIChE Fellow; founding chair of AIChE’s Virtual Local Section; former chair of the Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC), the Central Savannah River Local Section, and the Nuclear Engineering Div.; and a Webinar Advisory Editor. He also served on AIChE’s Board of Directors (2014–2016). He is a recipient of the Nuclear Engineering Div.’s Robert E. Wilson Award, the Local Section Shining Star Award, and two Gary Leach Recognition awards for service to the Virtual Local Section and the Blue-Ribbon Task Force on Local Sections.


The past year has taken us all by surprise. Since March 2020, I’ve worked from home, stayed away from the gym, and did most everything virtually. As things open up, our world will not be the same as it was prior to 2020. My hope is that the new normal is a kinder world where people of all backgrounds and identities are valued and respected and can achieve their full potential. It is also going to be a world where there will be a lot more virtual or hybrid meetings and conferences to reach even more people. I want to ensure that AIChE remains at the forefront of not just numerical growth but also growing towards an IDEAL, supportive institute.

Because our industry’s largest growth will likely occur overseas, AIChE’s outreach network also needs to be global. We need to take advantage of virtual resources to extend our support around the globe.

AIChE also must assist people in career transitions, whether they are unemployed, returning to the workforce, or simply need a change. AIChE groups such as local sections, technical divisions and forums, Women in Chemical Engineering, Minority Affairs Committee, and others can give personal assistance and encouragement to people facing these challenges.

I am involved in AIChE because I want to serve others. It humbles me that I have been selected to run for Secretary. I would love to hear your ideas on how you would like to improve AIChE.

Please contact me at dlambert@gforcecable.com.

Mary Kathryn (Kathy) Lee

Mary Kathyrn (Kathy) Lee has been a researcher at ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research for 30 years. She has been an active AIChE member for more than 10 years and was recently elected Fellow. She has served AIChE as a director (2017–2019) and as a member of the Finance Committee. She also served as chair of the Minority Affairs Committee twice and as a member of the Societal Impact Operating Council. She currently serves on the Membership Committee. Kathy received her BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her MS from North Carolina State Univ., both in chemical engineering She is currently engaged on the external advisory board at North Carolina A&T Univ. — an HBCU (Historical Black College and University) in her hometown — and on a Partnerships for Research in Education and Materials (PREM) program review board at Hampton Univ. In 2020, Kathy received AIChE’s Award for Service to Society in recognition of her dedication to addressing issues of diversity and inclusion in the profession.


I believe that facilitating communication between the AIChE Board and its members is the job of the Secretary, and that this communication should work smoothly in both directions. What makes this challenging today is that the Institute is continuing to grow, sometimes in unexpected ways — and all voices, new and old, need to be heard. This past COVID year has been stressful and challenging for each of us, personally and professionally. I believe that AIChE can play a role in our recovery and new growth. I have seen how important the work of AIChE is in providing technical education and safety training, in serving students entering our profession, and in providing experienced professionals with opportunities to broaden their skills. I would like all members of AIChE to understand the importance of the Institute, and how each member’s voice contributes to Institute policy, activity, and debate.

In addition to my formal duties as Secretary, I will:

  • Promote more participation by Institute members in elections, and representation in matters of policy by encouraging participation on Institute committees.
  • Offer a diverse voice to the Board, and support diversity of thought within the Institute and profession.
  • Work to increase AIChE’s value to members — from young professionals to retirees.
  • Support chemical engineering’s growth into new fields and promote interaction with other professional societies.
  • Continue to support the education of K-12 STEM students, undergraduates, and young professionals as being an important part of our future profession.

Please contact me at KathyLee30@comcast.net if you would like to discuss any of these ideas.

For Director

Amos A. Avidan

Amos Avidan is a consultant and a retired energy and construction executive. He served as Senior Vice President and corporate manager of engineering and technology at Bechtel Corp., where for 16 years he led people, technology, engineering, and capital projects teams. Prior to Bechtel, he spent 20 years at Mobil Corp.

Amos has an interest in established and emerging energy systems and technologies, sustainable economic growth and its impact on society and the planet, and addressing global challenges. He has authored and co-authored numerous technical publications and patents. He holds a BS degree from the Technion, and a PhD from the City University of New York, both in chemical engineering. Amos taught the AIChE course in fluidization in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and served on the AIChE Board of Directors from 2006–2009. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2009.


AIChE has always aspired to be of value to its members and to society as a center of excellence for the chemical engineering profession in the U.S. and globally. I believe this overarching goal will continue to drive our vision, while the challenges facing the planet and society — and chemical engineers in particular — will keep changing. The challenge of improving the quality of life of more than seven billion people as sustainably as possible, while addressing the increasing threats posed by global warming, degrading environments and biodiversity, cybersecurity, pandemics, etc., pose increasing challenges, but also increasing opportunities for chemical engineers.

My particular areas of interest are:

  • Enhancing and adjusting the AIChE value delivery mechanism in an era of increased remote work and continuous learning, increased use of automation and AI, and rapidly emerging new technologies.
  • Encouraging chemical engineers to be more proactive in their communities and to promote more awareness of what chemical engineers do to provide balanced, sustained economic growth while helping protect the environment. Engineers can help society, and particularly the media, non-governmental organizations, and governments, by proving real data, model simulations, and especially lifecycle data and tools to create an understanding of the impact of new technologies and proposed solutions. This will encourage better policies and improved awareness.
  • Despite long-term efforts to improve diversity and equity in the chemical engineering profession, we still have a way to go. We need to keep looking for better ways to encourage STEM education and more access at all levels to women and to underrepresented minorities while not leaving anyone behind.

James R. (Jim) Beilstein

Jim Beilstein is Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing at Owens Corning. In this role, he has responsibility for the technology of manufacturing operations, process innovation, capital engineering, and equipment purchasing. In addition to these responsibilities, Jim is the chair of the Science and Technology Leadership Council of Owens Corning and is a member of several enterprise-level senior leadership teams focused on the strategy and execution of operations, organic growth, and capital deployment.

Overall, Jim has more than 26 years of experience in manufacturing, information technology, and research and development in increasing leadership roles. Twenty of Jim’s 26 years in industry have been with Owens Corning, where he has established a reputation for building strong links between business leaders, manufacturing, information technology, and R&D. Jim earned BS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from Lehigh Univ. and the Univ. of Massachusetts, respectively, and he serves on advisory councils for both institutions. Jim is also married to a Lehigh ChemE!


My experience as a chemical engineer has taken me through a range of industries — chemicals, pulp and paper, metals, and machines, as well as more than 20 years working with fiber glass and building materials. From these experiences, I believe I can bring a unique industrial perspective to the AIChE BOD, advise on transformational technologies, and help drive the strategic plan in the following areas:

  • Communities — In my career, I have focused on bringing industry and academia together to solve complex problems, build new advanced technologies, and drive sustainability. I am currently working with AIChE’s Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) Institute, and I see this as an excellent vehicle to promote community collaboration more broadly for AIChE.
  • Diversity and Inclusion — Diverse teams in both background and experiences are the power behind solving complex problems. Championing our diverse membership is key to a successful institution. Mentorship — and even more, advocacy — are key elements in D&I. I will bring my personal experience to our institutional efforts in D&I, along with strategic insights from Owens Corning’s experiences.
  • Society — Our field and our membership are uniquely positioned to have a direct impact on the world’s sustainable future. I will help envision how AIChE can be actively involved in building leadership in sustainable solutions for the world.

I am honored to be nominated to serve on the AIChE Board of Directors. I welcome your feedback at any time (beilstein.jim@gmail.com) and look forward to the opportunity to serve you on the Board.

Paulette Clancy

Paulette Clancy is a professor and the inaugural Head of the Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins Univ. She also serves as the Samuel and Diane Bodman Professor Emerita of Chemical Engineering at Cornell Univ. and as Chair of the faculty oversight team for Advanced Research Computing at Johns Hopkins’ High-Performance Computing facility.

Her research group is recognized as one of the leading computational groups in atomic-scale modeling of materials and algorithm development. Her current work aims to develop machine learning algorithms to accelerate the search for optimal materials processing protocols. Her research group has always been focused on electronic materials, but it also includes more esoteric projects include xenobiology (Life on Titan) and a screening of therapeutic oligomers to maximize antibacterial ability. She has won numerous awards for mentoring, service learning, civic engagement, and promoting the careers of those from under-represented groups.


I am honored to be a candidate for the Board of Directors of AIChE. My platform will help implement AIChE’s commitment to support the chemical and engineering professions, especially in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), in which I have been active for more than three decades. I will represent the voices of those who want to see improved representation at all levels and who have been traditionally underrepresented in the profession. We still face challenges in this regard.

While chemical engineers are leaders in embracing change and forging new frontiers of chemical research, I think that the chemical engineering academic curriculum is ripe for modernization. I will be interested in helping to catalyze discussion of a modern curriculum for chemical engineering. In terms of research, I would like to help represent the areas of machine learning (ML) and computation, which is in an explosively growing regime. Some forethought on the impact of ML/AI on curriculum and research would be a good topic for discussion by the Board and the community at large.

I have been a leader of chemical engineering departments at two universities, currently lead the high-performance computing faculty group at Johns Hopkins, and have led research institutes. I was one of the early chairs of AIChE’s Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) and remain committed to its success. I continue to derive benefits from AIChE membership ranging from AIChE’s sponsorship of a DEI conference for department heads planned for 2020 (but delayed by COVID) to the networking opportunities that it affords all its members.

I welcome your questions at pclancy3@jhu.edu.

Emmanuel Dada

Emmanuel A. Dada is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Prairie View A&M Univ. (PVAMU) and the President and CEO of ChemProcess Technologies, LLC — responsible for process intensification and innovative technologies for reactive distillation, microreactors, and energy efficient processes. He was previously an Associate Research Fellow at FMC, and began his career at Rohm and Haas. Emmanuel received his BSChE from Obafemi Awolowo Univ., Nigeria; and his MS and PhD ChE from Lehigh Univ.

An AIChE Fellow, Emmanuel is a member of the Separations Div., the International Committee, Student Chapter Advisor at PVAMU, a former member of the Admissions Committee, and served as chair of Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC; 2006–2007). He was active in the Delaware Valley Section before he relocated to Houston in 2009, and is now active in the South Texas Section. He chaired the centennial General Arrangement Committee at the 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. He also served as Chair of the Minority Affairs Committee (MAC; 2000–2002) and since 1999 has chaired its Student Awards Committee, overseeing the awarding of more than 500 MAC scholarships.


First, I am honored to be nominated to be a director of AIChE, and I welcome your vote to make this a reality. Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented daunting challenges, and if I am elected I will serve to ensure that AIChE will not only meet those challenges but thrive in the new norm. I am equally excited about the future of AIChE and the opportunity to serve on the Board, and to help AIChE fulfill its strategic plan and continue to be the global leader and home of chemical engineers. As your director, I will:

  • Support the growth of our Future of STEM Scholars Initiative for students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and strengthen the MAC scholarships through the Henry and Melinda Brown Endowment, so as to increase the participation of underrepresented minorities in the STEM professions.
  • Support AIChE as the lifelong professional home for chemical engineers — preparing them to face the emerging challenges within the profession and the workplace.
  • Grow membership by strengthening our communities of young professionals, local sections, divisions and forums — enabling members to expand their networks and professional advancement at and beyond the local level.
  • Expand the international reach of AIChE, thereby strengthen its role as the global home of chemical engineers.
  • Supporting the IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Learning) Path that AIChE has embarked on — to create, nurture, and expand environments where all members are respected, valued, and included.

Finally, I am interested in your ideas, comments and concerns. Feel free to contact me at eadada@pvamu.edu.

David J. Dixon

David Dixon joined AIChE as a student and recently became an AIChE Fellow. He served for four years in the military, primarily overseas, and worked for Dow Corning in process development before earning his PhD in chemical engineering from UT Austin. He then began his academic career at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Over his career, he has been Principal Investigator for an NSF-I/UCRC BioEnergy Center; a department chair; helped start a PhD program; and was a Fulbright Scholar. He has also developed university-level partnerships with German and Mongolian universities, and is extending these efforts into Mexico and South America. His research has been funded by DOD, NSF, EPA, and industry — in diverse areas such as protective membranes, water remediation, and applied solar energy. David received his university’s 2019 Presidential Award for Outstanding Professor.


I have found the opportunities within AIChE to network, present, and learn to be extremely valuable — especially through meeting people and learning innovative ways to enhance teaching and research. I’ve been an AIChE Student Chapter Advisor, a Group 4 (Education) Program Committee Chair (2004–2005), and involved in international student activities. I remain active in the Student Chapters Committee (Chair 2006–2007), have chaired the Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC; 2020), and am active on the Chem-E-Car Competition organizing committee, where I have been involved since its inception.

There are three areas in which I’d like to devote my time and energy to help advance AIChE as the Global Home of Chemical Engineers — which supports a discipline that is becoming more diverse and arguably a critical career that will contribute to solving the growing challenges facing our world.

Evolving Educational Needs — The Institute for Learning and Innovation provides a unique platform to expand AIChE’s value to its members, as well as to the global industries and entities that hire chemical engineers.

Supporting Membership — The challenges of the past year provide opportunities to make the world smaller and our reach larger. We need to continue to find ways to reinforce AIChE as the professional organization for ChEs to be involved in, from students to retirees.

Building Global Value — AIChE’s international distribution of members is expanding, and many are students who will soon graduate. We have challenges and opportunities in finding the best ways our Institute can support all of our global members.

It is humbling to be nominated to serve on the AIChE Board, and I look forward to the chance to work with AIChE in this new role. Please feel free to contact me at david.dixon@sdsmt.edu.

Ian M. Glasgow

Ian Glasgow is the Director of Project Development at International Alliance Group (IAG), with nearly 20 years of process engineering and process integration experience for the refining, syngas, and chemical industries. He is responsible for project feasibility analysis, process scope development, and owner’s engineering support executed at IAG. Ian has a broad understanding of various process technologies, which allows him to support clients’ business, economic, and operational objectives. Prior to IAG, Ian was a senior process engineer at Wood Group Mustang, and a research associate and the Process Integration in the Pulp and Paper Industry Research Chair at École Polytechnique de Montréal.

Ian serves on the Advisory Board for Lamar Univ.’s Midstream Research Center and the Texas Industry Energy Efficiency Program. He holds a BS from the Univ. of Cincinnati and an MS from Auburn Univ., both in chemical engineering.


Currently I am a director of AIChE’s Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC). Previous leadership roles include chairing the Executive Board of the Program Committee (EBPC) and the Fuels and Petrochemicals Div. (F&PD); chairing a Spring Meeting topical conference on refining; and chairing the Southwest Process Technology Conference (SPTC). Honors received from AIChE include Distinguished Service awards from the Fuels and Petrochemical Div. and the South Texas Local Section.

My accomplishments within AIChE have included:

  • Implementing the Meet the Industry Candidates session at the Annual and Spring Meetings.
  • Implementing the EBPC’s topical proposal and evaluation process.
  • Expanding communication and service to F&PD members via social media, the website, and new online technical content.
  • Improving programming quality with a “no submission, no podium” policy, and diversity of session chairs with an updated selection process.
  • Implementing an Undergraduate Program at SPTC.
  • Transitioning the 2020 SPTC to a virtual platform.

As an AIChE Board director, I would continue to improve AIChE in areas that include:

  • Advancing offerings for professional improvement and growth through the Institute for Learning and Innovation.
  • Implementing virtual/hybrid programming that takes advantage of the benefits that are achieved from in-person and virtual platforms.
  • Developing procedures and initiatives that provide transparent evaluation and decision-making processes.

I am honored to be nominated to become a director of AIChE, and look forward to providing leadership that will deliver sustainable improvements to the AIChE membership. I would be glad to hear from members at iglasgow@triten.com.

Anne O'Neal

Anne O’Neal is Manager of Process Safety Culture and Competency at Chevron, and an AIChE Fellow. Her 40-year career includes senior positions in process safety, as well as health, environment and safety. She founded Chevron’s early technical career development program after assignments in process engineering, operations, maintenance, and strategic planning. She also created Chevron’s first management system approach to process safety.

She earned her BSChE from the Univ. of California, Davis, where she was a founding member of the Center for Women in Engineering. An early participant in AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and an advisory board member since 2005, she and colleagues pioneered Process Safety Faculty Workshops. She also co-led the API/IPECA sustainability reporting guidelines development.


If elected, I will continue to champion the essential work of CCPS — saving lives, protecting the environment, and contributing to thriving economies through the prevention of process safety incidents.

I’ve seen first-hand the spark lit with great teaching, and the vital role ethics and risk awareness play in undergraduate engineering education. My Chevron work with early career professionals inspired the first AIChE Process Safety Faculty Workshop, subsequently adopted by several member companies. Learning matters — and AIChE’s Institute for Learning and Innovation plays a critical sustaining role.

As AIChE’s influence expands through CCPS, the RAPID Manufacturing Institute, the Society for Biological Engineering, and the Center for Hydrogen Safety, we must sustainably address grand challenges at scale. We serve those challenges best with the efficiency, effectiveness, and clear roles and responsibilities brought through good governance and robust policy. As a Board Officer for the Boy Scouts of America, I have been responsible for policy and governance for over a decade, recently overseeing a merger to more efficiently, effectively, and sustainably serve youth. I’ll bring that same passion to this role.

While we tackle society’s grand challenges, we can’t ignore the barriers and headwinds society presents to encouraging and enabling engineers and scientists from all walks of life to contribute and to thrive. IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, Learning) is essential for a thriving profession and for our Institute to bring the world’s best minds to solve her most challenging problems. My mother encouraged me to combine my knack for chemistry, math, and physics into studying chemical engineering — an opportunity not available in her day. AIChE’s Board members must play a similarly active role in transforming headwinds into tailwinds for the benefit of all.

I’m honored by this nomination and look forward to serving you.

Daryl Roberts

Daryl Roberts is Chief Operations and Engineering Officer at DuPont. He has 32 years of experience in chemical engineering in a number of leadership positions with companies including Arkema, Inc. and Eastman Kodak. He serves several industry organizations including AIChE, the American Chemistry Council, and the National Action Committee for Minorities in Engineering. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of American Electric Power.


My involvement in professional organizations began during my time at Howard Univ. I have been a members of AIChE, the National Society of Black Engineers, and had the honor of being the Howard Univ. Chapter President for the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE).

I attended school on an ROTC scholarship and was commissioned as an Army Reserve Officer after graduation. Now, as a veteran, I’ve dedicated decades of my life to bringing the engineering community together and paving the way for minorities and veterans to develop STEM careers, spending time at universities aligning current industry needs to what’s being taught in school.

Equally important is the fundamental responsibility we all have in ensuring the safety of our processes, employees, and communities. As a former EH&S group leader, I know the key role AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) has played in our industry through both continuing education and networking.

AIChE has been a powerful force in that mission, focusing on top industry issues. I serve on its Corporate Council, the Foundation Board of Advisors, and attend the Board of Trustees meetings. In 2020, I was proud to serve as dinner chair for the annual Foundation gala, to be involved in launching the Doing a World of Good campaign, and to help develop and launch the Future of STEM Scholars Initiative — the latter of which touched upon my roles at both AIChE and as a board member and executive committee member of the American Chemistry Council.

From sustainability and process safety to early career professionals and societal impact, AIChE’s influence on our engineering community is wide and deep. I have nothing but profound respect for what AIChE has accomplished, and am honored to be considered for the Board of Directors. I look forward to an opportunity to contribute to something much bigger than myself through AIChE’s mission, and to influence the programs we need to move our industry forward, in partnership with all of you as members with a voice.

Feel free to reach out to me with your questions at Daryl.Roberts@DuPont.com.