Chemical Engineering Conference in San Francisco Highlights Sustainability, Waste Management, Water Use, and Bioengineering | AIChE

Chemical Engineering Conference in San Francisco Highlights Sustainability, Waste Management, Water Use, and Bioengineering

15th National College Chem-E-Car Competition to be held Sunday, November 3

September 18, 2013




American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)


AIChE’s Annual Meeting is expected to draw 6,000 engineers and undergraduate engineering students with plenary lectures, 2 broad congresses, 8 topical conferences, more than 750 technical sessions, and special events.

The national Chem-E-Car Competition will feature international collegiate teams racing small, shoebox-sized cars powered by alternative fuels that the students created.


Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA


Sunday, November 3 - Friday, November 9, 2013


Presentations cover all aspects of chemical engineering, from sustainability to alternative energy, bioengineering and nanotechnology.

Sunday, November 3

2:00 PM:  
Chem-E-Car   College teams race shoebox-size cars powered by alternative fuels in carefully calculated chemical reactions. The cars must carry a small payload a certain distance. Adding to the tension of the competition, the weight of the payload and distance are not revealed to the competitors until one hour before the contest begins. Teams must quickly make calculations about their fuel use.

3:30 PM
Fundamentals of Nuclear Environmental Engineering / Waste Management – This session will discuss fundamental advances in environmental nuclear engineering. Topics include nuclear waste disposal and treatment, nuclear waste reduction at the source, prevention of pollution from nuclear waste, and green engineering for nuclear plants. In particular, contributions are sought that describe how to bring to bear innovative reaction processes, separation processes, and system approaches to dispose, treat, reduce or eliminate nuclear waste.

Monday, November 4

8:30 AM:
Achieving Sustainable Buildings Through Chemical Engineering – This session will focus on sustainable building research, development, applications, and promotion of a Chemical Engineering Building Science Community. Presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion among audience members and speakers. One paper discusses the development of the Sol-Char toilet, which converts human waste from a hazardous material to biochar, which may be safety used as fertilizer.

11:00 AM – 12:15 PM:  
2013 Annual Meeting Plenary: Chemical Engineering Expertise: In Academe and as Sought by Industry – This session will examine how chemical engineering has evolved in the academic world to adapt to the changing needs of the chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceutical industries. Speakers include John C. Chen, Emeritus C. R. Anderson Professor and dean of engineering at Lehigh University; Rui Cruz, associate director for research and development at The Dow Chemical Company; Ashok Krishna, vice president of downstream & chemicals technology at Chevron Corporation; and Steve Poehlein, principal – Elizer Pharma Consulting LLC.

12:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Advanced Treatment for Water Reuse and Recycling I – Faced with the scarcity of natural sources of quality water for potable and industrial use, the alternative will be to reuse and recycle treated wastewater. In many cases, the cost of treating wastewater for reuse or recycle is less than other methods of production with the added advantage of preserving the environment.

Tuesday, November 5

8:30AM – 11:00AM:  
AIChE-IChemE Joint Session: Energy, Water, Food, Materials: An Interconnected Global Challenge – The expectation is that there will be 3 billion additional middle class consumers by 2030 with increasing demand for energy, water, food, and materials. During the 20th century, these resources were addressed separately, but in the 21st century, there has been a realization that these complex systems must be addressed comprehensively. As two of the largest organizations of chemical engineers in the world, AIChE and IChemE are creating a collaborative working group to respond to this challenge.

11:15AM – 12:15PM:  
2013 Professional Progress Award Lecture, At Least 1,000 Times Thinner than a Human Hair – Each year, AIChE invites a person who has made fast-paced progress in chemical engineering to present a lecture. Brian A. Korgel, Matthew Van Winkle Regents Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, will deliver this year’s address. He will discuss nanomaterials, a new class of materials with the potential for application in a wide range of new technologies because of their unique combination of properties.

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 
James E. Bailey Award Lecture Sponsored by the Society for Biological Engineering – Kristi S. Anseth, distinguished professor and Tisone Professor of chemical and biological engineering and associate professor of surgery and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at the University of Colorado, Boulder, is the recipient of the 2013 James E. Bailey Award. She is being honored for outstanding contributions in the development of novel photo-cross-linkable biomaterials for regenerative medicine, tissue engineering applications and for leadership in the application of chemical engineering principles for biomedicine.

Wednesday, November 6

8:30 AM – 11:15 AM 
Biosensor Devices I – Biosensors are finding increasing application in technologies ranging from medical diagnostics to homeland security. This session will focus on cancer and biotoxin detection as well as implantable sensors for preclinical and clinical applications. Specific topics will include using biomarkers to rapidly detect salmonella, cancer and injuries to trauma patients.

11:15 AM – 12:15 PM:
65th AIChE Institute Lecture, Theory and Computation in Modern Chemical Engineering, a Thermodynamicist’s Perspective – Each year, AIChE invites a distinguished chemical engineer to present a comprehensive review of his or her specialty. This year’s Institute Lecturer is Pablo Debenedetti, Class of 1950 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science, professor of chemical and biological engineering and vice dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University. He will illustrate the insights that can be gained from theory and computation using examples from his research in areas including chiral drug resolution and the solubility of trace pollutants in water.

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: 
AGILE Award Lecture, Strategic Imperatives for the Hydrocarbon Industries – The inaugural AGILE Award lecture will be presented by Rajeev Gautam, chief executive officer of UOP, a Honeywell Company. The AGILE Award Lecture will provide a strategic survey of the major issues facing the hydrocarbon industries and discuss how chemical engineers are applying new technologies to address these challenges.

Thursday, November 7

8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Nanostructured Biomimetic and Biohybrid Materials and Devices I – Biological-based materials, biomolecule and biohybrid structures, biomimetics and artificial materials that mimic physiochemical properties and interactions of biological molecules will be discussed, including development of human skin with 3-D printing, “microrockets” for drug delivery, and neural implants made from nanocomponents.

11:15AM – 12:15PM:
2012 Professional Progress Award Lecture (postponed from last year’s Annual Meeting due to Super Storm Sandy), Clicking Polymers Together: Assembly of Complex, Controlled Polymer Structures from Efficient Chemistries – Christopher Bowman, distinguished professor and James and Catherine Patten Endowed Chair of Chemical and Biological Engineering, as well as clinical professor of restorative dentistry at The University of Colorado, Boulder, will discuss his work developing new materials and photopolymerization mechanisms for a variety of applications, including biomaterials, microfluidic devices, dental restorations, liquid crystal displays, nanotechnology, and high technology.

Friday, November 8

8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Carbon Dioxide Capture, Control and Sequestration I – This session discusses current technologies for carbon management. The focus will be global issues associated with carbon, including evaluation of storage options, life cycle implications, and feasibility.

For more information on all the activities surrounding the AIChE Annual Meeting,   please visit

About AIChE: AIChE is a professional society of more than 45,000 chemical engineers in 93 countries. Its members work in corporations, universities and government using their knowledge of chemical processes to develop safe and useful products for the benefit of society. Through its varied programs, AIChE continues to be a focal point for information exchange on the frontier of chemical engineering research in such areas as nanotechnology, sustainability, hydrogen fuels, biological and environmental engineering, and chemical plant safety and security. More information about AIChE is available at