(156f) Delivery Strategies for Live Therapeutic Bacteria | AIChE

(156f) Delivery Strategies for Live Therapeutic Bacteria


Santhosh, S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anselmo, A., UNC Chapel Hill
The microbiome is a collection of bacteria, viruses and fungi that perform essential functions for human health. Dysbiosis, or the dysregulation of the microbiome, can contribute to chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, neurological diseases, and cancer. Clinically, one of the only methods for altering the composition of the microbiome is with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which contribute to dysbiosis and create selective pressure for antibiotic resistant pathogens. As such, live therapeutic bacteria (LTB) have been identified as an attractive alternative to antibiotics, as they can modulate the composition of the microbiome without eliminating commensal species. However, LTBs are commonly delivered orally and experience significant challenges during gastrointestinal (GI) transit, including survival in the harsh conditions of the stomach, adherence to the intestinal lumen, and navigation of interpatient variability in the microbiome due to factors such as diet. Few engineered drug delivery platforms have been rationally developed to address these challenges. In this work, we describe two complementary platforms that separately adapt LTBs to improve viability during gastric transit and modify LTB surfaces to aid in adhesion along the GI tract. In the first system, we sought to understand the influence of factors such as diet on LTB adaptation and colonization. We delivered an LTB to female BALB/c mice on two distinct diets and found that diet significantly influenced both the appearance of a small colony variant of the LTB, as well as its distribution along the GI tract. As adaptation appeared to significantly affect LTB colonization, we developed an approach to control the adaptation of LTBs to specific environmental insults during GI transit. We found that growth in an in vitro adaptation media can prime LTBs for the acidic conditions of the stomach, significantly improving their viability during a challenge in simulated gastric fluid. Following transit through the stomach, LTBs must adhere to the intestinal lumen to persist and colonize in the GI tract. Therefore, for our second system, we developed a platform to chemically conjugate targeting ligands to the surface of LTBs to improve their adhesion to the GI mucosa. This platform significantly improves both the rate of colonization, as well as the concentration of LTBs in the GI tract of female BALB/c mice. Collectively, this work represents a simple approach to adapt LTBs to the intestinal environment during in vitro growth, while enabling subsequent modification of the LTB surface for improved intestinal adherence. Together, these delivery techniques for LTBs may help overcome challenges associated with GI transit, colonization and adaptation.