(201d) First-Principles Study of Lithium-Air Batteries Based on Tri-Molybdenum Phosphide (Mo3P) Nanoparticles
AIChE Annual Meeting
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum
Nanoscale Behavior of Sustainable Processes
Monday, November 16, 2020 - 8:45am to 9:00am
Lithium-air batteries are promising competitors to replace traditional lithium ion batteries due to the extremely high theoretical energy density. Despite extensive experimental research for decades, it is still a challenge to find a stable cathode material for both discharge (ORR) and charge (OER) reactions with a low overpotential. Here, we employ density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations to examine the mechanism, thermodynamic overpotential (η) and cyclability of a novel Mo3P-based Lithium-air battery. We also compare and rationalize our findings with direct comparison with the recent experimental results of our collaborators. In this type of battery, Li2O2 is found as the only discharge product up to 1000 cycles due to the two-electron transfer reaction between Li+ and O2. Our DFT results show that the Mo-terminated Mo3P (110) surface will be spontaneously oxidized in the oxygen-rich environment, thus forming a kinetically stable MoO layer to bring about the initial Li+/e- transfer from aprotic electrolyte to cathode. Furthermore, we find that the initial Li+/e- transfer reaction is the potential determining step (PDS) during ORR with a quite low DFT-based overpotential (η = 0.06 V), in agreement with our experimental detection (η = 0.08 V). In OER, the DFT-based overpotential was determined as 0.33V coupled with the desorption reaction of LiO2 on the MoO layer covered catalyst, which is in agreement with experimental value (η = 0.27 V) but larger than that (η = 0.12 V)[1] on the kink sites of the crystal majority Li2O2 (0001) facet.[2,3] Therefore, we reveal that the MoO layer terminated Mo3P cathode gives rise to a low-overpotential discharge reaction. However, the starting of charge process happens on the surface of agglomerated Li2O2 discharge product, while Mo3P cathode becomes more and more important after most of the Li2O2 dissolved. Our results help shed fundamental insight on the role of ultrathin oxide monolayers on phosphide nanoparticles, and how this can potentially lead to a new nanomaterials design dimension.
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