(334bf) Ex Vivo Minigut Mucosal Model for Development of New Oral Vaccine | AIChE

(334bf) Ex Vivo Minigut Mucosal Model for Development of New Oral Vaccine


Qi, Y. - Presenter, Iowa State University
Research Interests

In this study, we successfully built a model for mimicking intestinal mucosal system for testing drug delivery. For this project, Intestinal stem cells was used, and Microfold cells were first differentiated by using 200 ng/ml RANKL,later on, this result were confirmed by different methods, which including qPCR, immuno-staining and western blot. Gold Nanocage was used for modeling drug transportation. In the future study, sigma 1 protein will be linked to gold Nanocage, making the Nanocage an idealistic nanomaterials for transporting antigen through M cells to tiger immune responses.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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