(346z) Advancing Rational Design of Peptide Self-Assembly at Surfaces | AIChE

(346z) Advancing Rational Design of Peptide Self-Assembly at Surfaces


Dasetty, S. - Presenter, Clemson University
Sarupria, S., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Rational control of self-assembly of peptides in interfacial environments is crucial for creating tailored bionanomaterials and to realize their biomedical and commercial applications. [1-3] Recent studies demonstrated promising approaches using designed mutations to control structure and assembly of peptides at graphene and other nanomaterials. [4-7] In designing mutations, both location of the mutation and mutant residues are two critical and possibly dependent choices. The former is to make a targeted structural change and the latter is for realizing it. Knowledge on the free energy of adsorption (∆Aads) of amino acids or interaction energies of individual residues on surfaces have been used as a guide for selecting mutant residues with some success. [4-7] To further in this selection process and advance designed mutations approach, knowledge on dependence of the ∆Aads of a residue on other residues is also required. Our goal is to work towards it and we start by developing insights into the dependence of ∆Aads and structure of a residue on their neighboring residues. For this, we use graphene as our model surface and 36 model tripeptides with motif LNR-CR-Gly, where LNR and CR are variable left neighboring and central residues, respectively.

We consider a combination of strongly adsorbing (aromatic, Arg) and weakly adsorbing (Val, Leu, Ser, Thr) amino acids using ∆Aads of amino acids estimated in a prior study. [8] Our results indicate that ∆Aads of tripeptide is not the sum of ∆Aads of each residue. However, the contributions from the strongly adsorbing amino acids was dominant suggesting that such residues could be used for strengthening peptide-graphene interactions irrespective of their neighboring residues. On the other hand, our structural analysis revealed that the dihedral angles of LNR and CR are more dependent in the adsorbed state than in bulk state. Together with ∆Aads trends, this implies different backbone structures of a given CR can be realized for a similar ∆Aads depending on LNR. Therefore, care has to be taken in designing mutations by incorporating context effects to engineer peptide structure at graphene surface. We will present these results and also discuss approaches using machine learning in designing mutations to control peptide assembly at surfaces.


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  8. Dasetty S and Sarupria S., “Adsorption of Amino Acids on Graphene: Assessment of Current Force Fields”, Soft Matter, 15, 2359-2372