(626h) Numerical Simulation Study of Complex Fracture Type Extra High Condensate Gas Reservoir in Bohai Sea | AIChE

(626h) Numerical Simulation Study of Complex Fracture Type Extra High Condensate Gas Reservoir in Bohai Sea


Gao, Z., CNOOC
Geng, Z., CNOOC
Liu, W., CNOOC
Huang, B., CNOOC
The BZ condensate gas field is the largest natural gas field in the history of the Bohai bay basin, with proven reserves of more than 100 billion m3 of natural gas and 100 million m3 of condensate oil. This gas field has unique features, such as deep burial, fracture development, strong stress sensitivity, small pressure difference between formation pressure and dew point pressure, high condensate content, etc. There are no similar condensate-gas field development cases in the world and proper numerical reservoir simulation study is crucial for efficient development of such a reservoir.

This paper develops a numerical simulation flowchart for this kind of complex naturally fractured condensate gas reservoirs. First, based on logging, core and well testing data, the reservoir of BZ gas field is divided into three different types of deposits in the vertical direction: glutenite, semi-weathered zone and inner buried hill. The fluid flow among the three different types of deposits is calculated based on the equivalent fluid flow conduction between adjacent grids. Secondly, the correlation of permeability variation with stresses is established based on experimental data and implemented in the reservoir simulation based on the embedded programming module in the simulator. Thirdly, through PVTi numerical simulation, EOS is tuned based on 7 pseudo-components. Finally, a dual-porosity compositional model is established, and the numerical simulation study is carried out to optimize the development plan. The developed flowchart will be a very useful tool for modeling naturally-fractured condensate gas reservoirs.

The simulation results indicated that: 1) considering the strong stress sensitivity, gas injection can effectively increase the permeability of the reservoir and control the condensate precipitation; 2) considering the structural characteristics of the reservoir, gas injection in the high position can form top-gas drive and expand the swept volume; 3) considering the influence of fracture, injection- production line perpendicular to fracture trend can effectively delay the breakthrough of injected gas and expand the injection capacity; 4) considering the characteristics of condensate, keeping formation pressure higher than dew point pressure can minimize the loss of condensate oil; 5) considering the mechanism of gas injection displacement, slug gas injection can form pressure pulse, expand the sweep volume and improve the recovery of condensate oil. Those findings can also be used to guide the development of other gas condensate reservoirs.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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