(722c) Industrial Requirements for Thermodynamic and Transport Properties - 2020 | AIChE

(722c) Industrial Requirements for Thermodynamic and Transport Properties - 2020


De Hemptinne, J. C. - Presenter, IFP Energies nouvelles
Kontogeorgis, G. M., Center for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE), Technical University of Denmark
Economou, I., Texas A&M University at Qatar
Data for thermodynamic (including also interfacial) and transport properties play a very important role in process and product design incl. safety assessment, separation processes and novel formulations, in environmental engineering, in biotechnology, material science, chemical and mechanical engineering and so on. The list is very large and the importance of such data (and models) is thus evident for industry and society. This manuscript reports the results of an investigation for industrial needs for thermodynamics and transport properties carried out during 2019-2020. It is a follow-up of a similar investigation carried out and published 10 years ago [1]. Both studies have been carried out from the Working Party (WP) of Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering).

During a meeting a few years ago, the EFCE WP on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties concluded that the first survey about 10 years ago led to many useful results and conclusions on the industrial needs and had some influence on directions taken by industry and academia. It was also concluded that it is worth investigating what has happened over the last 10 years and this led to the decision of a follow-up survey, aiming a broader audience and also using an updated questionnaire. The questionnaire prepared by the WP is more extensive compared to 10 years ago and included new topics as well like digitalization (raising the number of questions to 10 from 7 in 2010).Despite this more comprehensive questionnaire, it was possible to receive 35 answers mostly from European companies (many of them globally operating), but answers have also been received from companies in USA and Japan. The response rate was about 60% compared to 47% in 2010 (where 28 replies were received).

The presentation will highlight the major results on the industrial needs obtained from this survey for data, models, algorithms, implementation, education and digitalization and comparisons will be provided with the results from the 2010 survey.


[1] E. Hendriks, G.M. Kontogeorgis, R. Dohrn, J



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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