Complex Biomolecule Isolation and Clearance | AIChE

Complex Biomolecule Isolation and Clearance


Menegatti, S., North Carolina State University


Behere, K., Unknown

Next-generation therapeutics, including proteins (bispecific antibodies, therapeutic enzymes, CRISPR-Cas nucleases), viral vectors for gene therapy, and cells (stem cells, engineered T cells, etc.) are a new and exciting class of biotherapeutics. They are the way of the future. To enable this future, it is crucial to develop novel technologies for their isolation, purification, and clearance from natural (animals or plants) or recombinant sources (cell culture fluids). A broad variety of topics are welcome: novel ligands and substrates, mobile phases and separation approaches (chromatographic vs.non-chromatographic), computational models, application of imaging and sensing techniques, and quality-by-design. To bioseparations of the future and beyond!!!



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