Excellence in Graduate Student Research (Area 08A) | AIChE

Excellence in Graduate Student Research (Area 08A)


Obermeyer, A., Columbia University


Davis, E. M., Clemson University

This is an invited session of talks by graduate students who demonstrate excellence in chemical engineering research in polymer science and engineering. Students are nominated by their research advisors and selected by a committee. To be considered for this award, a student must be working towards a Ph.D. degree and must not have completed the requirements before April 30, 2020. A nomination package, containing 1) A letter by the research advisor 2) The curriculum vitae of the nominee 3) An abstract should be sent by the research advisor (as a single PDF file) directly to aco2134@columbia.edu with the subject line "AIChE 08A Award StudentName". The nomination package must be received by April 30, 2020, in order to be considered. The committee will select a finite number of speakers. In order to be eligible for the award, an invited speaker MUST also submit an abstract directly to any OTHER relevant AIChE 08A session by the abstract submission deadline for the Fall 2020 meeting. Students invited to present will have their abstracts transferred to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research session, while students not invited will still have their abstracts under consideration in the session to which they submitted.




Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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