Metabolic Engineering Platform Development – Non-conventional Eukaryotes | AIChE

Metabolic Engineering Platform Development – Non-conventional Eukaryotes


Solomon, K. V., Purdue University


Jinkerson, R., University of California Riverside
Young, E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Metabolic processes of biotechnological interest are distributed across all domains of life. However, despite myriad advances in the field, these processes can prove difficult or impractical to effectively transfer to a model organism. Thus, there is growing interest in adapting and developing metabolic engineering tools for new hosts with naturally advantageous phenotypes. This new direction comes with many challenges, including genetic transformation and limited genomic information. This session will comprise recent advances in metabolic engineering of diverse eukaryotes, with a particular focus on nonconventional yeasts. There will be a broad range of topics, including systems biology (such as genome-scale metabolic models and transcriptomics), synthetic biology (such as CRISPR tools and promoter engineering), and traditional metabolic pathway engineering.



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