New Developments in Computational Catalysis III: Dynamic and Electrochemical Interfaces | AIChE

New Developments in Computational Catalysis III: Dynamic and Electrochemical Interfaces


Roling, L., Iowa State University


Mallikarjun Sharada, S., University of Southern California
Plaisance, C., Louisiana State University

Electronic structure calculations are widely used to predict and characterize properties of catalysts and chemical reaction mechanisms. This session solicits contributions that utilize or develop new approaches to address shortcomings in the current state of the art, improving upon the predictive ability of computational methods. Examples include enhancements to methods such as density functional theory (e.g. functional development); creation of novel/improved catalyst models; multi-scale approaches; approaches to interpret large quantities of computational data; novel approaches for modeling multiphase interfaces and amorphous materials; methods that reduce computational cost. Studies employing existing methodology for novel catalysts/chemistries are not appropriate for this session.



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