(185e) Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Study of Chute Transition Zones between Unit Operations | AIChE

(185e) Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Study of Chute Transition Zones between Unit Operations


Li, J. - Presenter, Rutgers University
Scicolone, J., Rutgers University
Roman-Ospino, A., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ortega-Zuniga, C., Rutgers University
Ierapetritou, M., University of Delaware
Muzzio, F., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Since continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing lines are unique to the manufacturing site, each manufacturing line can be wildly different even within the same company. One crucial tool utilized to ensure that the critical quality attributes of the final product in a continuous manufacturing (CM) line is the knowledge of the traceability or the residence time of material within the manufacturing line. Residence time distribution (RTD) is the measurement of time that a given amount of material resides in either a specific unit operation or throughout the entire continuous manufacturing line. Most of the RTD research concentrated on the RTD of the unit operations of CM and have either lumped in the connective parts, so they are included in a specific CM unit operation or have ignored the connection zones between each unit [1-6].

Since the main difference between the many different manufacturing lines available is transition zones, the work presented here has focused on traceability of material in transition zones to understand the effect of the distances between unit operations on the residence time distribution. In an integrated continuous manufacturing line, a blend of Compap L, Prosolv HD90, AcDiSol, and MgSt was dispensed into a transition chute where the hold up in the chute was controlled at three different levels. A pulse of Metformin was used as a tracer for the system. At the base of the set-up, in-line Near-Infrared detection was utilized to detect the tracer as it transitioned through the chute. The effect of critical process parameters was also investigated, such as throughput and blender speed, to capture a more detailed understanding of how the RTD is affected by the critical process parameters, specifically the transition zones.

Next, the effect of the tracer drop zone was investigated. The height at which the tracer falls into the system will affect the broadness of the RTD curve. Therefore, the height at which the tracer was introduced to the process stream was independently investigated. Since the material properties of the tracer can affect how the material falls, specifically as it displaces the air in the chute, three materials with a wide range of properties (i.e., cohesion, particle size, flowability) were selected as tracers to be introduced at different drop heights. Mass throughput was investigated to determine how the speed of the powder may exacerbate the dispersion. In all cases, a predicted NIR model was utilized to predict the concentration of the tracer as it transitioned passed the NIR probe. Using the concentration profile generated by the predictive model, the RTD parameters were regressed from the experimental data and compared using ANOVA to determine the effect of the critical process parameters. The results show that transition zones play a large part in RTD in a continuous line, greatly delaying pulse detection. In addition, the drop height of the pulse into one such transition zone can introduce noise into the residence time distribution, for which should be accounted.


  1. Escotet-Espinoza, M. Sebastian, et al. "Effect of tracer material properties on the residence time distribution (RTD) of continuous powder blending operations. Part I of II: Experimental evaluation." Powder Technology342 (2019): 744-763.
  2. Escotet-Espinoza, M. Sebastian, et al. "Effect of material properties on the residence time distribution (RTD) characterization of powder blending unit operations. Part II of II: Application of models." Powder Technology344 (2019): 525-544.
  3. Engisch, William, and Fernando Muzzio. "Using residence time distributions (RTDs) to address the traceability of raw materials in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing." Journal of pharmaceutical innovation1 (2016): 64-81.
  4. Karttunen, Anssi-Pekka, et al. "Measurement of residence time distributions and material tracking on three continuous manufacturing lines." International journal of pharmaceutics563 (2019): 184-197.
  5. Furukawa, Ryoichi, Ravendra Singh, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Effect of material properties on the residence time distribution (RTD) of a tablet press feed frame." International Journal of Pharmaceutics591 (2020): 119961.
  6. Dülle, M., H. Özcoban, and C. S. Leopold. "The effect of different feed frame components on the powder behavior and the residence time distribution with regard to the continuous manufacturing of tablets." International journal of pharmaceutics555 (2019): 220-227.