(187d) Analysis of Marginal Land Definition on Integrated Landscape Design and Biofuel Supply Chain Network Design Optimization | AIChE

(187d) Analysis of Marginal Land Definition on Integrated Landscape Design and Biofuel Supply Chain Network Design Optimization


O'Neill, E. - Presenter, Princeton University
Maravelias, C., Princeton University
Basso, B., Michigan State University
Lark, T., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Robertson, G. P., Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
Martinez-Feria, R., Michigan State University
Land available for lignocellulosic feedstock production is unevenly distributed across the landscape and depends heavily on the criteria used to classify it. Additionally, the landscape-scale decisions of where to plant bioenergy crops and how to manage them may have a large effect on the efficiency of the integrated biofuel supply system. Therefore, a detailed and integrated analysis of the landscape design and biofuel supply chain network design is needed to better understand the trade-offs among different types of marginal land and how the supply chain can be designed alongside the landscape to find holistically sustainable and economically beneficial outcomes for the large-scale production of biofuels.

In this study, we use the SALUS (systems approach to land-use sustainability) process-based model to generate spatially explicit, high-resolution estimates of biomass yields and soil organic carbon (C) changes under switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). We then use an integrated mixed-integer linear programming approach to simultaneously optimize the landscape design and biofuel supply chain network design for switchgrass grown on alternative definitions of marginal land. These include non-arable lands (i.e., Land Capability Classifications V-VIII) and parcels identified as historically abandoned and recently abandoned in previous studies.

We find that the differences in yield distribution, soil organic C sequestration distribution, and overall available land area, lead to very different optimal supply chain configurations and policies for landscape design (establishment and management), and that C market valuation ($/MgCO2e) significantly influences what lands are considered favorable to establish bioenergy crops. With a higher cost of C, biomass may be planted on lands better suited to sequestering C located farther from a biorefinery despite the increase in transportation costs. Furthermore, by designing the landscape and supply chain simultaneously and at a high resolution, the model finds that integrated ‘win-win’ solutions are possible such that a significant amount of C negative biofuel can be produced for only a modest increase in biofuel price when compared to coarse resolution models or independently optimized landscapes and supply chains.