(211b) Application of Mathematical Algorithms for Real Time Optimization of Continuous Flow Extraction Processes | AIChE

(211b) Application of Mathematical Algorithms for Real Time Optimization of Continuous Flow Extraction Processes


Contemporary chemical engineering approaches to the separation and extraction of material from one solvent into another are dominated by the use of batch techniques. These batch methods, though ubiquitous in both research and industrial applications, have labor and safety issues that can be difficult to address, and often prove to be challenging to optimize. Continuous flow extraction provides a platform to develop and design extraction processes in safe handling conditions, such as low control volume microfluidic extractions, while also allowing for rapid optimization and subsequent scale up. When used in tandem with inline analytics tools and techniques, paired with centralized controls and processing software, continuous flow extractions provide a rapidly optimizable alternative with broad applicability in both research and industrial contexts. This presentation will discuss the development and demonstration of such processes, where inline tools combine with mathematical algorithms and remote process controls to design a real time optimized and chemistry agnostic method for continuous extraction in both single and multistage setups.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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