(248e) Thermally Induced Two-Step Chemical Looping Process for Hydrogen, Syngas, and Ammonia Production | AIChE

(248e) Thermally Induced Two-Step Chemical Looping Process for Hydrogen, Syngas, and Ammonia Production


Amar, V. - Presenter, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Shende, R., South Dakota School of Mines &Technology
Shende, A., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Complex mixed oxides (e.g. M1M2M3Ox) with different combinations of crystalline phases were investigated for a two-step thermochemical looping process for hydrogen, syngas, and ammonia production. Thermodynamically favorable complex metal oxides were synthesized via surfactant templating assisted sol-gel techniques. Different material morphologies such as core-shell nanoparticles and immobilized nanostructures were synthesized and characterized by powdered x-ray diffraction, SEM/EDX, TEM and BET surface area analyzer. In addition, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was also performed to understand the oxygen diffusion in a complex crystal structure. For the first time, hydrothermally derived carbon from renewable feedstock was employed for carbothermal reduction step. As calcined and fully characterized material was loaded in a continuous tubular reactor and their thermochemical looping potential at temperatures of 900-1200 oC was monitored using online sensors and GC. Results obtained on the synthesis and characterization of complex mixed crystalline phase oxides, and their hydrogen, syngas, and ammonia production capability will be presented.