(340aa) Statistics, Data Science, and Molecular Modeling | AIChE

(340aa) Statistics, Data Science, and Molecular Modeling


Datar, A. - Presenter, The Ohio State University
Research Interests

There are two main directions in which my research interests lie. The first is the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) for process optimization and reliability improvement. I believe that the chemical industry is currently at an interesting point wherein the ability to collect data has increased dramatically while there remain many areas in operations which are suboptimal. Smart and efficient processing of data can lead to significant improvements in performance and safety. The work during my internship at Dow Chemicals has piqued my interest in this direction and convinced me of the potential this field has. My second research interest is materials discovery using AI for materials discovery. The development of optimal materials is seen as a promising tool to solving many of the world’s challenges. New materials developed for various applications can be complex and diverse. Thus, developing theories from first principles can have limited applicability in discovering new materials. Data-driven techniques such as AI can provide quick answers and expand the toolkit for materials discovery. Furthermore, these techniques have wide applications in areas like pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and the tech sector. I have experienced this during my PhD research work at the Ohio State University.

Career Interests

Full-time role in the field of data science applied to chemical/pharmaceutical manufacturing, healthcare, cheminformatics, technology, or sustainability, starting January 2022 (open to relocation).


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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