(385d) Phase Transition and Metal Exsolution in Perovskites to Enhance the Catalytic Activity for Hydrogen Production and Conversion | AIChE

(385d) Phase Transition and Metal Exsolution in Perovskites to Enhance the Catalytic Activity for Hydrogen Production and Conversion


Kim, K., Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Huang, R., Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Lim, C., Pohang University of Science and Technology
Kim, H. J., Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Redox exsolution, in-situ synthesis process of metal nanoparticles upon high-temperature reduction has widely been studied as a way to fabricate metal-decorated oxide catalysts in the fields of high-temperature catalysis and renewable energy. In perovskite oxides, the exsolution often accompanies the phase transition, which in turn increases the catalytic activity. In this talk, we will discuss about our exploration of the possibility and detailed mechanism for metal exsolution with phase transition on various kinds of perovskite oxides. Using our combined experimental and theoretical approaches, we also demonstrate that these catalysts can be applied to high performance high-temperature water-gas shift reaction and solid oxide fuel cell anode reaction.