(4cz) Interested in Faculty Position | AIChE

(4cz) Interested in Faculty Position

Research Interests

My research interest lies in the field of Heterogeneous Catalysis. In a broader way, my 5+ years of research has helped me in gaining experience on multiple techniques and skill-sets, including in-situ spectroscopic characterization of catalytic materials, application of chemical probe experiments and steady-state as well as transient kinetic studies of catalytic reactions. My expertise in the above techniques have enabled me in rational design of catalysts with tuned surface properties, understanding the structure of stable catalytic active sites in reaction environment, deciphering the nature, origin and role of lattice oxygen species present in metal oxide-based catalytic materials and resolving complex reaction network and mechanism. I have had opportunity to apply my knowledge and skill-sets for natural gas upgradation and production of clean energy in environmentally benign way.

  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Spectroscopic Techniques
  • Transient Kinetic Analysis

Teaching Interest

Core Courses in Chemical Engineering:

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering
  • Heat-transfer
  • Mass-transfer
  • Fluid Dynamics

Elective Courses:

  • Physical and Chemical Techniques for Advanced Catalyst Characterization


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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