(4hk) Scalable Nanomaterials: From Polymer Nanocomposites to Protein Therapeutics | AIChE

(4hk) Scalable Nanomaterials: From Polymer Nanocomposites to Protein Therapeutics


Manohar, N. - Presenter, University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests

Macromolecules ranging from simple linear polymer chains to complex biomacromolecules are necessary for the design of useful functional nanomaterials and novel therapeutics. However, a major challenge is to produce these novel materials in a way that allows for large-scale manufacture and use. My research vision is to develop scalable fabrication pathways for novel nanomaterials to meet needs in membrane separations, biomedical engineering, and clean energy.

Doctoral Research: My doctoral research in Chemical Engineering at UPenn centered on infiltrating solvated polymer into densely packed nanoparticle films. Current methods of infiltrating polymer, such as immersion in polymer melts or layer-by-layer deposition, are energy intensive or are limited to the lab scale. To overcome this, I have developed a one-step, room temperature method called solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle (NP) packings, in which a bilayer thin film of polystyrene (PS) and SiO2 NPs is exposed to solvent vapor, which leads to capillary condensation of solvent in the voids of the NP packing, and subsequent plasticization and infiltration of the underlying polymer. By developing an understanding of the underlying thermodynamics using polymer physics and surface science, we tuned the kinetics and final properties of the resulting polymer nanocomposite.

Postdoctoral Research: I am currently a postdoctoral scholar at UT Austin, where my work focuses on developing scalable strategies to formulate low viscosity, high concentration monoclonal antibody solutions for protein therapeutics. I utilize both colloidal models and polymer theory to predict and improve their stability and viability as drug formulations. However, short-range attractive protein-protein interactions (PPI) can lead to formation of clusters which can raise viscosity, lower stability, and lead to irreversible aggregate formation. Conventional low concentration characterization techniques are not predictive of undesirable behavior of mAbs at higher concentrations. My work combines small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques and microfluidic rheometry with coarse grained MD simulations to characterize protein-protein interactions and cluster formation in such systems and investigate their impact on viscosity and colloidal stability.

Teaching Interests:

Core Curriculum: I am prepared to teach core chemical engineering courses at the graduate and undergraduate level, such as Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, and Reaction Kinetics. During my PhD, I was the teaching assistant for a senior-level Chemical Reaction Engineering course and a graduate Polymer Physics course. For the both classes, I assisted in designing and vetting homework and tests, and had the opportunity to lecture several classes in the Reaction Engineering course. As an undergraduate student, I established a peer tutoring program as part of our department’s Chemical Engineering honor society and gained first-hand experience in teaching core undergraduate chemical engineering coursework.

Proposed Courses: In addition to teaching the core curriculum, I hope to meet a growing need for accessible education in polymer physics, interfacial phenomena and colloidal science. My research expertise also makes me uniquely suited to design and teach courses in nanomaterials engineering while incorporating their relevance to solving global challenges in biomedicine and energy-efficient separations.


The University of Texas at Austin

Postdoctoral Fellow; Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 2020 - Present

  • Mentor: Keith P. Johnston
  • Research: Formulating Low Viscosity, High Concentration Monoclonal Antibodies for Therapeutics


University of Pennsylvania

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; July 2020

  • Advisors:Daeyeon Lee and Kathleen J. Stebe
  • Thesis:Solvent-driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Chemical Engineering; Summa Cum Laude, 2014

  • Research Advisor:Sanjeev K. Manohar


NextProf Nexus Workshop Attendee, University of Michigan virtual (2020).

REACT Fellowship Program, University of Pennsylvania NSF PIRE (2015-2019).

Dean’s Scholarship, University of Massachusetts Lowell (2010-2014).

Roland Derby Scholarship, University of Massachusetts Lowell (2013-2014).

Francis College of Engineering Scholarship, University of Massachusetts Lowell (2010-2011)


R B Venkatesh, N Manohar, Y Qiang, H Wang, H H Tran, B Q Kim, ANeuman, T Ren, Z Fakhraai, R A Riggleman, K J Stebe, K Turner, D Lee, “Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films Using Capillarity-Based Techniques: Toward Multifunctional Coatings and Membranes” Annu Rev Chem Biomol Eng, 12, 411-437 (2021).

N Manohar, K J Stebe, D Lee, “Effect of Confinement on Solvent-driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings” Macromolecules, 53:15, 6740-6746 (2020).

R B Venkatesh, T Zhang, N Manohar, K J Stebe, R A Riggleman, D Lee, “Effect of polymer–nanoparticle interactions on solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle packings: a molecular dynamics study” Mol Sys Des & Eng, 5:3, 666-674 (2020).

Y Qiang, N Manohar, K J Stebe, D Lee, “Polymer blend-filled nanoparticle films via monomer-driven infiltration of polymer and photopolymerization” Mol Sys Des & Eng, 3:1, 96-102 (2018).

N Manohar, K J Stebe, D Lee, “Solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle packings” ACS Macro Letters, 6:10, 1104-1108 (2017).


Co-chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Student Symposium, UPenn (2018)

President, Chemical Engineering Graduate Association, UPenn (2015-2016)

President, Omega Chi Epsilon, National Chemical Engineering Honor Society, UMass Lowell (2014)

Vice President, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, UMass Lowell


Tianren Zhang, R Bharath Venkatesh, Yiwei Qiang, Maxence Bouvier (Masters)

Anne Guindet, Danielle Sclafani, Andrew Lee (Undergraduate)