(533a) Surface Science - Nexus of Tribology, Glass Science, and Plant Biology | AIChE

(533a) Surface Science - Nexus of Tribology, Glass Science, and Plant Biology


Kim, S. H. - Presenter, Pennsylvania State University
Our group has been pioneering the application of surface science principles and characterization methods to address important questions in these seemingly disparate research frontiers – tribochemistry, corrosion of silicate glasses, and plant cell walls. Being an outsider in each of these research fields, we bring radical views as well as new scientific tools to solve decades-old, highly-elusive fundamental questions that engineers and scientists equipped with traditional tools and methodologies could not solve. This talk will cover the following examples: (i) How can interfacial shear activate chemical reactions that normally do not occur? (ii) Will the subsurface structure of a glass be altered after elastic contact with a foreign object and what would be consequences of such structural changes in chemical durability? (iii) Why do plants deposit cellulose in their cell walls with different nano-to-meso scale structures?
