(606g) Sodium-Ion Transport in NaTi2(PO4)3 As an Electrode Material for Battery Applications: Insights from MD and DFT Simulations | AIChE

(606g) Sodium-Ion Transport in NaTi2(PO4)3 As an Electrode Material for Battery Applications: Insights from MD and DFT Simulations


Haider, M. A., Department of Chemical Eng., IIT Delhi
Anjum, U., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Agarwal, M., Indian Institute of Technology
V, A., Indian Institute of Science
Bhattacharyya, A. J., Indian Institute of Science
Transport coefficient of Na-ions in sodium ion battery (SIB) materials is reported in a wide range of experiments (such as potentiostatic titration, impedance measurements etc.). However, reported values differ from 2 to 4 orders of magnitude based on the experimental method used. Here in this study, MD simulations using universal force field are employed to provide a direct assessment of self-diffusion coefficient of Na-ions in the structure of NASICON-type materials such as NaTi2(PO4)3. For this material, inter-atomic potentials, based on partial charge pair-potential model is applied, and concentration of Na-ion is varied (from 0.82 < x < 0.98) in the supercell (total of 9000 atoms) of NaxTi2(PO4)3 at 323 K. Few runs of 100 ns isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NPT)-MD are performed to stabilize the system. For adequacy of system size, Na-ion transport is also calculated in larger supercell (total of 72000 atoms). Mean square displacement (MSD) of Na+ as a function of time is analyzed and self-diffusion coefficient of Na+ is estimated from the slope of MSD vs time plot, using linear fitting of the curve for the three-dimensional transport, following Einstein’s relation. Calculated diffusivities are in the range of ~10-8-10-9 cm2/s and corresponding ionic conductivity is estimated to be (~10-4 S/cm). The results suggested and supported the fast ion conducting nature of the material. These values are in agreement with experimental values of Na-ions in the similar structure. Furthermore, density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study its electronic properties and Na-ion diffusion barrier via ion hopping mechanism. The activation energies along different path in the bulk crystal are calculated to be 59.82 kJ/mol, 67.54 kJ/mol, and 64.64 kJ/mol along [001], [100] and [010] direction respectively. This indicated that [001] direction to be preferred for ion transport.