(773i) Virtual Q&A: Temperature-Induced Aggregation and Rheological Response of Concentrated Portlandite Suspensions | AIChE

(773i) Virtual Q&A: Temperature-Induced Aggregation and Rheological Response of Concentrated Portlandite Suspensions


Bhagavathi Kandy, S. - Presenter, University of California-Los Angeles
Mehdipour, I., CarbonBuilt
Neithalath, N., Arizona State University
Bauchy, M., Laboratory for the Physics of Amorphous and Inorganic Solids
Garboczi, E., Applied Chemicals and Materials Division, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gädt, T., Technical University of Munich
Srivastava, S., University of Chicago
Sant, G., University of California, Los Angeles

Abstract: Virtual Q&A: Temperature-Induced Aggregation and Rheological Response of Concentrated Portlandite Suspensions (2021 AIChE Annual Meeting)