Co-ops and Internships: Perspectives from Final Year Undergraduates | AIChE

Co-ops and Internships: Perspectives from Final Year Undergraduates

"Co-ops and internships are undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences for undergraduate students and their careers. Providing exclusive networking and direct experiences in the workforce and sometimes even leading to full-time employment offers, these opportunities can often serve as jump-starts to students’ professional journeys in chemical engineering. However, as sought after co-ops and internships can be, securing and succeeding in one can be an elusive, difficult task, a subject not often directly taught in universities. Combined with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is quite a bit of uncertainty associated with this task. In this workshop, we as final year undergraduates in chemical engineering, hope to provide some advice and insights into finding internships and co-op opportunities as an undergraduate chemical engineering student.


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