Panel: Next Generation on CRE (Invited Talks) | AIChE

Panel: Next Generation on CRE (Invited Talks)


Khatib, S., Texas Tech University


Nikolla, E., Wayne State University

This panel, organized by the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force of the CRE Division, will feature professionals from academia, industry and national labs working in the field of catalysis and reaction engineering. Panelists will discuss their career paths and advice on how to navigate a dynamic and fulfilling career in the field. The panel will have a Q&A format and engage the audience. Please review the panelists' bios at The panel will be followed by an informal reception to provide opportunities for interaction. Panel will run from 3:30-4:15, reception from 4:15-5:00


4:35 PM


Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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