Special Session In Honor of Arup Chakraborty's 60th Birthday: Biology and Immunology | AIChE

Special Session In Honor of Arup Chakraborty's 60th Birthday: Biology and Immunology


Ferguson, A., University of Chicago


Trout, B. L., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Arup Chakraborty possesses a Bachelor of Technology (IIT Kanpur, 1983), PhD (U. Delaware, 1988), and post-doctoral training (U. Minnesota, 1987-88) in chemical engineering. He commenced his independent career at UC Berkeley in 1988 and moved to his current position as Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT in 2005. His early careers focused on the development and application of molecular simulation, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics to polymers and zeolites. In 2000, his research interests underwent a phase transition to the study of immunology, with a particular focus on T cell signaling and a mechanistic understanding of HIV evolution. Arup's work at the intersection of disciplines has been recognized by numerous honors, including the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, the E.O. Lawrence Medal for Life Sciences from the US DOE, Guggenheim Fellowship, the Allan P. Colburn and Professional Progress award from AIChE and a Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering for completely different bodies of work, and is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, making him one of 23 individuals who are members of all three branches of the US National Academies.



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