(150d) Chemical and Physical Process Applications in Environmental Engineering... Towards a Sustainable Environment
AIChE Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting
Sustainable Engineering Forum
Sustainable Biorefineries Plenary Session (Invited Talks)
Monday, November 14, 2022 - 2:30pm to 3:10pm
Within a rapid world change and huge growth, industries are playing a vital role in countryâs economic development. Knowing how critical situation is becoming to provide needs and supply for mankind and in the same time to preserve the environment we are living in within this evolving era. Moreover it is our responsibility, yet a must to preserve our globe so they can live within a healthy and safe environment. Not an easy task to keep this balance between, human needs, industries production for supplying those needs and the environment we are living in. Therefore, the soundest way is to rely on science based approach in order to meet the criteria and limits set by international governance, laws and standards. Chemical and Physical Processes plays a major part in order to address these challenges especially with all the massive threats that surround us from, Greenhouse gases (GHG) and global warming effect, to climate change and loss of biodiversity to Ozone depletion and the adverse effects which may result from their impacts. Not away from all of these, came the environmental conventions and summits, starting by Rio Earth summit in 1992 then Rio +20 in 2012 and later on came the Paris agreement in 2015 where they embrace a 2030 agenda and adopted the famous 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGâs 17) and all of it under the umbrella of United Nations with their 193 member states. What remain is to ensure we are on the right track to achieve 2030 agenda and the objectives set by all the Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA). We canât buy more time, the clock is ticking and all of us are responsible. We are not dinosaurs; we are here to survive not to extinct... Our mission is to take all the practicable steps based on environmentally sound management approach to ensure clean air, land, and water â providing a healthy habitat for humans and all living organisms, a sustain environment we all dream about for the future of our children and generations that come after and not one to survive another day

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