(362ac) Physics-Based Penalization for Hyperparameter Optimization in Gaussian Process Regression | AIChE

(362ac) Physics-Based Penalization for Hyperparameter Optimization in Gaussian Process Regression


Boukouvala, F., Georgia Institute of Technology
Paynabar, K., Georgia Institute of Technology
Luettgen, C. O., Georgia Institute of Technology
Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is a powerful non-parametric model which can flexibly approximate continuous functions with an accompanied measure of the uncertainty of the prediction. Since GPR is a kernel-based method, the choice of the kernel and the optimization of its hyperparameters using Maximum-Likelihood Estimation (MLE), both significantly affect model performance [1]. Due to the nonconvexity of this optimization problem, convergence to a global optimum can be expensive and rarely guaranteed. Locally optimal hyperparameters can lead to poor extrapolation and interpretability, and cause overfitting problems. A common approach to tackle this issue is to use multiple starting points from a specific prior distribution and choose the hyperparameters with the largest marginal likelihood [2]. However, this process depends on the starting points and may fail if a prior distribution is not properly chosen. Moreover, the traditional GP model is a black-box surrogate, without a guarantee of satisfaction of the underlying physics, and poor extrapolation properties especially in sparse data scenarios. If first-principle knowledge is available, then embedding this in various forms during training has been shown to improve the generalizability of the fitted surrogate. GPR with different physical constraints (e.g., bounded constraints, monotonicity constraints, convexity constraints) has been studied [3] via the truncated Gaussian assumption [4-6], bounded likelihood function [7-9], and constrained hyperparameter optimization [10].

While different physics-based equality and inequality constraints have been successfully implemented into GPR models, there is no systematic study on how physics-based knowledge affects hyperparameter tuning, especially if physics-based knowledge is directly incorporated into the marginal likelihood function. In this paper, we utilize physics-based knowledge as a penalization term in the MLE objective. We formulate the augmented MLE with a physics violation function by using GP’s analytical property that any linear transformation of a Gaussian Process also follows GP [1]. After formulating the physics violation function as an L2-norm square of the mean prediction of the linear transformation, the physics violation function is directly incorporated into the marginal likelihood function and an unconstrained optimization formulation is formed. Through several case studies that can be represented as linear PDEs, including the Heat and Laplace equations, we present GPR accuracy and tuning sensitivity for cases where initial and boundary conditions are not available. We have observed that by penalizing the MLE objective, we can find the hyperparameter set that improves the prediction performance of GPR, while reducing the violation of physics much more consistently than conventional initialization approaches even under sparse data scenarios.

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