(368i) Synthesis of Near-Infrared Pigments for Novel Sensor Applications | AIChE

(368i) Synthesis of Near-Infrared Pigments for Novel Sensor Applications


Clark, J. - Presenter, Tennessee Technological University
Stretz, H. A., Tennessee Technological University
Kiss, A., Tennessee Technological University
Calcium copper silicate, known as Egyptian Blue (EB), is a pigment that exhibits a strong near-IR fluorescent emission when exposed to a strong light source. This property makes it a novel candidate for use as a basis for dissolved ion sensors, as its IR signal is very strong in comparison with current commonly used IR reporters, such as gold shell nanoparticles. Most commercially available samples; however, are created with dyeing and pigmentation in mind, rather than chemical application. To apply EB as a sensor lens component, it must be synthesized to form a reproducible and laboratory grade sample, free from compounds present in dyes that can affect the adherence and emission of an EB coating on a lens. In order to synthesize a sample of EB, a solid-state reaction was employed to react powdered crystalline solids under a high temperature environment.