(48h) Using Mediawiki As an Online Collaborative Tool to Foster Learning in the Transport Phenomena Sequence at the University of South Florida | AIChE

(48h) Using Mediawiki As an Online Collaborative Tool to Foster Learning in the Transport Phenomena Sequence at the University of South Florida


Toomey, R. - Presenter, University of South Florida
Chemepedia.org, a website powered by MediaWiki (a free and open-source wiki software platform), was developed as a collective learning tool for students enrolled in the Transport Phenomena sequence at the University of South Florida. It was developed so that students can participate in active learning through updating and contributing to the website.

The Transport Phenomena sequence is two courses taken in the Junior year. The sequence is largely broken down between a microscopic treatment of the transport phenomena (first class) and a macroscopic treatment of the transport phenomena (second course).

The Chemepedia.org website is organized into 26 learning modules covering both courses. Each module encompassing the following: 1) Overview; 2) Learning Objectives; 3) Learning Outcomes; and 4) Practice Exercises that correspond to the learning outcomes.

Each semester, students are given assignments involving either editing or adding content. In particular, students are either given assignments to develop and post questions that address learning outcomes in the learning modules or to edit and add to previously posted content. Over the past 3 years, the site has grown to over 300 pages as the result of efforts by students to present material in a manner that facilitates their learning.

This talk will address experiences, observations, and outcomes of these efforts.