(4a) The Many Contributions of Scott Fogler to the Chemical Engineering Community | AIChE

(4a) The Many Contributions of Scott Fogler to the Chemical Engineering Community


Larson, R. - Presenter, University of Michigan
I review Scott Fogler’s amazingly diverse contributions to the local, national, and international academic and industrial chemical engineering communities. These contributions include his textbooks, especially “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering,” in its multiple editions, wide reach, and continually modernized presentation, as well as his book “Strategies for Creative Problem Solving.” It includes his many contributions to the AIChE organization and meetings, especially his creation of the Chemical Engineering Car Competition, his leadership and inspiration of the Michigan student chapter and its prominence. Lesser known, but also highly impactful, has been his outreach over the past decades to dozens of Thai and African students drawn from Bangkok and South Africa, each for a year’s work each at the University of Michigan. In research, Scott built a rare industrial consortium that encompassed a dozen or more petroleum production companies over a 40-year period, carrying out work on acidization and flow assurance and training dozens of students who are still active within these companies. He was an outstanding and award-winning teacher, and served his department, college, university, discipline in multiple service roles at the highest levels. Scott also maintained an active life in sports, both in his own swimming and life-long fan of Michigan sports, and Detroit Tigers baseball. His family, church, and many social engagements rounded a life of amazing reach and balance, as will be reviewed through slides and personal observations.
