(581c) Electrostatic Manipulation of Lewis Acidity in Ultrathin Catalytic Films Via Programmable Catalytic Condensers | AIChE

(581c) Electrostatic Manipulation of Lewis Acidity in Ultrathin Catalytic Films Via Programmable Catalytic Condensers


Gathmann, S. R. - Presenter, University of Minnesota
Frisbie, C. D., University of Minnesota
Dauenhauer, P., University of Minnesota
Programmable catalysts offer precise control of active site electron density, providing a design strategy for enhancing catalyst performance by tuning catalyst properties to elementary reaction kinetics.[1] One type of programmable catalyst is a metal oxide graphene catalytic condenser, where charge in the catalytic layer can be tuned via application of an electrical bias across the device stack. We recently demonstrated that an alumina-graphene catalytic condenser can reduce the unimolecular dehydration barrier of 2-propanol by ~0.2 eV with only +3 V applied bias, which corresponded to ~0.1 excess hole density per pentacoordinate Al site.[2]

Herein, we extend the catalytic condenser design to a titania-based catalytic layer. Titania is a Lewis acid catalyst and semiconductor with a ~3.2 eV bandgap, making it a suitable candidate for thin-film electronic devices in which the conductivity is varied by orders of magnitude. We use atomic layer deposition (ALD) to fabricate titania-based catalytic condensers by depositing ultrathin (< 10 nm) films of TiOx on graphene and dielectric substrates. These devices exhibit capacitance increases over bare graphene, large differences in on/off state conductivities, and electron mobilities commensurate with tunable electronic characteristics; together, these suggest that the electronic occupation of titania is readily manipulated by our device architecture. Due to the ultrathin nature of the TiOx films, these changes in electronic occupation impact the Lewis acidity of the catalytically-accessible surface, which was characterized using temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of Lewis basic probe molecules in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) reactor.

These findings extend the applicability of catalytic condensers to titania-based designs. While we focus on electrostatic tuning of Lewis acidity in ultrathin films, this device will be generally applicable for controlling both thermal and electrocatalytic chemistries.

[1] ACS Catal. 2020, 10(21), 12666.

[2] JACS Au, 2022, in press.