(682g) Mechanistic Insights Towards Selective C3 Product Formation in CO(2)r on Copper | AIChE

(682g) Mechanistic Insights Towards Selective C3 Product Formation in CO(2)r on Copper


Halldin Stenlid, J., Stanford University | SLAC National Accelerator La
Abild-Pedersen, F., SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Peng, H., SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction on copper involves a plethora of competing reaction mechanisms, with the prospect of selectively forming three-carbon products like n-propanol. In this work, we use density functional theory (DFT) to determine the most competitive coupling mechanisms leading to C3 products on Cu(100) and Cu(511). An exhaustive search across three different reduction pathways was performed. Our study suggests that there is more than one possible pathway towards forming C3 intermediates. Our simulations show that much like C2 formation, C3 formation prefers stepped surfaces with (100)-like sites and that local field stabilization can play a pivotal role for certain coupling steps.