Development of High Solids Filled Polymers for Direct Ink Write Additive Manufacturing | AIChE

Development of High Solids Filled Polymers for Direct Ink Write Additive Manufacturing

The ability to use additive manufacturing (AM) for energetic materials allows for tailorable energetic properties by control of geometry or the use of different infill geometries. Current challenges include formulation limitations, such as high viscosities that limit solids fill, and limited feedstock availability which also limits polymer properties. Our AM method of choice is Direct Ink Write (DIW), an extrusion-based technology which can tolerate higher viscosities. Using the Aza-Michael Addition reaction, a quick gelling resin can be created by adding an amine and an acrylate. To understand the capabilities and efficacy of this process, formulations were developed with commercially available chemicals. Developing formulations from commercially available feedstocks, saves time and labor while increasing the potential scalability. We solids loaded formulations with glass beads, as the energetic simulant, to assess the processability and printing feasibility of the solids-loaded formulation. Formulation properties, were evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative attributes measured include gel times, glass transition temperature, and viscosity. Qualitative attributes monitored include color, compressibility, and moldability. We developed a resin that gels fast enough to be used in DIW AM and allow for solids fill that is tailorable to meet desired army needs.