Welcoming Remarks | AIChE

Welcoming Remarks

Prof. Balakotaiah is perhaps best known for his deep theoretical work on fundamental problems in chemical engineering science; such as, application of singularity and bifurcation theories to problems in steady state multiplicity, Taylor-Aris dispersion, multi-scale averaging and dimension reduction by the Lyapunov-Schmidt technique, chaos in falling liquid films near zero Reynolds number, and spatial pattern formation in fixed bed catalytic reactors. Yet he has made major practical contributions to a diverse range of fields, for example: devices and systems for automotive exhaust treatment, acid dissolution of carbonate reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery, life support systems for long duration space exploration, transport and oxygen uptake in pulmonary systems, water pollution treatment, and hydrogen storage and transportation for energy transition. It has been my privilege to work with him for more than 25 years. In this talk I will present a few personal examples of applications of his work in the chemical industry.