Biomaterials in Industry and the Clinic | AIChE

Biomaterials in Industry and the Clinic


Chung, E. J., University of Southern California


Kievit, F., University of Nebraska
Zha, R., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Vela Ramirez, J., UT Austin

This session highlights the use of biomaterials in industry and medicine, including but not limited to the following topics: clinical translation, product commercialization, and corporate research and development. Abstracts from companies, non-profit organizations, and regulatory agencies are encouraged, as well as a discussion of the challenges encountered in transforming biomaterial discoveries into viable products. Due to the translational nature of the abstracts being solicited, it is understood that some technical details cannot be disclosed. As a result, it is acceptable for the abstracts (and accepted presentations) to omit certain details for intellectual property reasons. Polymers, ceramics, metals, and all other areas of biomaterials research are welcome.



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